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DENVER -- In town to support a friend, former Denver Nuggets center Dikembe Mutombo couldn't resist doling out a little friendly advice to Carmelo Anthony.

Careful what you wish for.

"You think the grass is going to be greener on the other side, because you think it's not raining here right now," said Mutombo, who was in Denver on Wednesday to support friend and newly hired Nuggets GM Masai Ujiri as the team opened the season against the Utah Jazz. "But by the time you walk to the other side, it might not be green. You might be going to the same dry season you experienced in the other part."



Since Mutombo serves as the global ambassador for the league, though, he didn't feel it was right to personally chat with Anthony about his situation, delivering his message instead through the media.

Anthony has been the subject of trade speculation ever since he spurned a three-year, $65 million extension with the Nuggets in June. The Nuggets have until the February trade deadline to deal Anthony or risk losing him through free agency next summer, when he would be the headliner of the 2011 class.



Mutombo can relate on some level. He played his first five seasons in Denver, becoming an instant crowd favorite, only to leave for Atlanta in 1996.

His decision to split also was financial -- a salary-cap issue for the Nuggets. But Mutombo felt that wasn't properly explained to the fans, leading to boos upon his return.

"Even though the fans loved me a lot, there also was a lot of people that were disappointed," Mutombo said. "The entire blame was on me. I ended up taking a lot of blame. That's why it was hard for me."

Would he have stayed if the Nuggets had cap room?

"Of course," he said. "Sometimes you have to search your soul, see if I'm happy. If you're happy, then stay, instead of going somewhere because of the money."

Taking a flight into Denver on Tuesday, the 7-foot-2 Mutombo was instantly recognized by the passengers on the plane.

"Everybody on the plane was like, 'Thank you so much for everything you did for us while you were in Denver," Mutombo said. "That made me feel so good about it. This is what you want to hear. You don't want to hear people say, 'Man, what are you doing in our city? You left us. Get out of here."

He's hoping that's not what they're uttering one day about Anthony.

"This is his team. He's the main guy here," Mutombo said. "If I was him, if I had a chance to talk to him, he should look at it and consider this is his team. He should make the right decision to stay here."

Denver nearly traded Anthony to the New Jersey Nets a month ago, only to have the deal fell apart. The Knicks reportedly are another team interested in acquiring the All-Star forward.

But Anthony began the season in a Nuggets uniform.

"When you talk about the Nuggets, you talk about Carmelo Anthony as being the face of the franchise," Mutombo said. "I don't think that the organization is ready to lose someone like him.

"I don't think he is really ready to give up his kingdom and move to somebody else's kingdom."

Mutombo has enjoyed his role with the league, visiting places such as China, India and Africa to try to grow the game. He recently spent time in Haiti to witness the rebuilding efforts in the earthquake-ravaged nation.

"It keeps me busy," said Mutombo, who played 18 seasons in the NBA and ranks second all-time in blocks (3,230).

He was invited to attend the opener by Ujiri when the GM and team president Josh Kroenke were in New York visiting with commissioner David Stern.

Mutombo and Ujiri have been friends for a decade as they've worked together on different projects, including the NBA's Basketball without Borders program.

Both are from Africa and both have a vested interest in giving back to that continent.

"We've been working together on a bunch of projects in Africa to develop the youth, to see more Dikembe Mutombos in the NBA," Mutombo said. "We have passed the torch to so many youth in the continent to [help] the success. Maybe we can inspire them -- those kids can go back and make a difference."


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When you talk about the Nuggets, you talk about Carmelo Anthony

Мутомбо далеко не дурак.

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Какой же Уэст конченый тип все-таки

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/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset=" 2x" width="20" height="20"> Сидит на негарантированном контракте в классной команде, отбывает дисквал, не сыграв ни одной игры за новый клуб и...

After another intense three-on-three game in practice today, Delonte West and Von Wafer got into a fist fight in the locker room.

Punches were thrown and the players had to be separated. The Celtics are considering releasing West, who is on a non-guaranteed contract.

Sources say that Wafer tried to walk away but West followed him into the locker room and threw the first punch. Doc and vets aren't happy.

Less than one week after tempers flared during a two-on-two game in practice, Delonte West and Von Wafer had another altercation earlier this afternoon.

During a three-on-three game with Avery Bradley, Luke Harangody, Semih Erden and assistant coach Tyronn Lue, West began fouling Wafer each time the reserve guard touched the ball. West was increasingly physical to the point that Wafer exited to the locker room midway through the game. As he walked away, West barked obscenities and taunted Wafer.

After Wafer had showered and sat down at his locker, West approached from behind and threw a punch. Wafer didn't see the punch coming but quickly got off of the ground and connected on two punches of his own. He then wrestled West to the ground before being separated by the team's veterans.

Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce were very unhappy with the incident, especially since it occurred just hours before a game. Doc Rivers met with the players and tried smooth things over shortly after.

Sources close to the situation say that the Danny Ainge and the Celtics have grown tired of West's confrontations with teammates and are considering releasing the point guard. West is on a non-guaranteed contract and his distractions could result in that deal being terminated.


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Нда, чудовище. Хотя очень толковый игрок


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А че типа здоровый человек будет возить пушки в багажнике?


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А че типа здоровый человек будет возить пушки в багажнике?

Думается мне он просто отстрелит себе яйца по-накурке и всего-то делов.


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"Спёрс" продлили Тони. Хорошее решение, узнать бы лишь сумму...


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Tony Parker has signed a four-year contract extension with the Spurs worth about $50 million.


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Ману кажись на три сезона продлевал этой весной, у Тони 4 , Тимми еще 2 сезона, включая этот, побегает. В общем, чувствую, в это межсезонье новостей по подписаниям особо ждать не придется.

А по будущей зп Паркера полностью согласен с Артемом, вменяемая сумма, все-таки хорошо иметь в ГМах Бьюфорда.


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СаС умнички. Не хотелось бы что бы Тони перешел в Никс.


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Продлевания Ману и Паркера за такие деньги можно назвать правильным решением, но только в случае если у них со здоровьем все будет тип-топ (повторение Джино образца 08/09 и Тони 09/10 было бы трагедией).

В сезоне 12/13 у САС будет:

35-летний Ману с 14M

32-летний Р-Джеф с 10М

30-летний Тони с 12,5М

+36-летний Данкан, которого переподпишут на столь же солидную сумму (ну может и на меньшую, если Дуня начнет разваливаться или же согласиться играть за меньшую сумму ради интересов команды).

В итоге будет съедено около 50-55М кэпа (в зависимости от новой зарплаты Тима).

Я не говорю что это плохо, но, по мне так, определенно рискованно. Возраст+травмы еще никого не делали лучше.

Конечно, уже сейчас в составе есть молодые игроки (Тиаго, Хилл, Блэр, Андерсон), которые играют за скромную сумму. Но начиная с лета 2013 их надо будет переподписывать, да и усиление за счет свободных агентов не помешало бы... но в то же время Р-Джеф, Тони и Тим все еще будут на контрактах...

Вообщем ситуация спорная. Определенно в фронт-офисе САС сидят не дураки и у них есть какой-то план. Если все пойдет по этому плану, то Шпоры, как обычно, будут "на коне". Мне же кажется, что в данной ситуации многовато всяких "если"...

Изменено пользователем Slammer

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#Hawks and @Al_Horford agree to terms on 5 year $60 mil contract extension. Incentives still to be negotiated


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Конли получил 45 на 5. Эташтота


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