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( В этот день Монта просто ходил по площадке, бросая мячик в кольцо.... Выглядело, как будто он пришёл просто пообщаться с командой. На самом деле, конечно, это - шоу для нас, заскучавших фанов. Светлый взгляд в будущее

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Q: How does it feel to be back?

A: Great, man, you know what I mean? Being around my teammates, starting back doing what I love doing — that’s playing basketball.

Q: Can you dunk right now?

A: No. (Laughs.)

Q: What can you do?

A: Not too much, just a little jogging, a little shooting. I’m just doing my rehab to get my ankle stronger. Really just balance work. That’s all.

Q: What was that like, watching that nine-game losing streak? Did you follow it closely?

A: It was pretty ugly at first, but we’re on a two-game winning streak, so put that nine on behind us and move forward now.

Q: Has this been the most agonizing part of your basketball life?

A: Yeah. That’s with anybody. If you just sit out and just watch, watch something you love doing, it’s really hard. But my fans, my teammates, the organization, everybody’s been supportive. My family. I’m just trying to do everything I can to get back on the court, to help my team win. That’s it.

Q: What did you think about (Jamal) Crawford coming here?

A: I think he’s a great fit, with our style of play and his ability to score and pass the ball. And not only that, he can get out there on defense. I see that he’s tried to put people in good positions to make basketball plays and make our team better. So I think it’s a great fit for us.

Q: Will it help you, that you won’t have to carry the point guard load by yourself?

A: In Don Nelson’s system, we really don’t have a point guard. It’s just get the ball and everybody run it up the court. It’s going to be pretty much like it was me and Baron (Davis) last year; I bring the ball up, he brings the ball up, and we just work off each other.

Q: Are you ahead of where you want to be right now?

A: Slightly. I feel great. No pain nowhere. Just trying to get stronger. That’s it.

Q: Are you any less worried now that you’ll be able to come back 100 percent?

A: I was never worried.

Q: You were never worried?

A: Never worried. At all.

Q: So no doubt about it?

A: Nah.

Q: One of the things Don Nelson has said is that he’s not sure what kind of player you’ll be when you come back–

A: The same player I was before I left, or even stronger. No doubts about that.

Q: In your mind, what is the timetable?

A: I couldn’t tell you that right now. I’m just going to take it day by day, rehab by rehab, and we’ll see how it goes.

Q: Is it tough for you not to come back too fast?

A: It’s not tough because if you try to come back too fast, then you end up getting hurt again, and then you’ve got to sit out again. So it’s a timetable, and we’ve all just got to get on the same page and hopefully get back to where we’re trying to get.

Q: I know you have to go through the process, but do you have a date in your own mind that you’d like to be back?

A: No. Like I said, I’m not focusing on trying to rush back, I’m focusing on trying to get stronger, and get healthy, to come back to do what I was doing before I got hurt.

Q: You and (agent) Jeff Fried didn’t agree with the decision the team made (on the 30-game suspension). How tough is it going to be to put that all behind you?

A: I’ve (already) put that behind me, once it was over with. It’s nothing. It was just like a father and son disagreement, and they put it behind each other and come back together.


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Q: Are you excited to come back and play for this team?

A: Very excited. I’ve got great teammates, great coaches, great style of play and it’s just exciting to watch.

Q: Looking at this team as opposed to last year’s, what do you see yourself bringing to this team?

A: This year, I think I’m going to have to be more of a leader, trying to guide the young guys, because I see a lot of them going through the things that I was going through my rookie and second years, and try to bring them along, try to show them the process. (It’s) not Nellie just trying to get after them; he sees something in them, and he’s just trying to bring it out. That’s all.

Q: Would you say your relationship with the organization is stronger now, after all of this?

A: Yeah, we’re good. I don’t have no problem with them. They gave me my contract. Why should I have a problem with them?

Q: Are you concerned at all about the fact they say they still have–

A: I’m not concerned about nothing. I’m just trying to get back on the court and help my team win. That’s it. All the other stuff is behind me. I’m just focusing on basketball now.

Q: So there’s no reason to think you wouldn’t be playing for this team again?

A: No. No. I’ll be here.

Q: What areas of your game do you think will be stronger because of this time off?

A: Every part. Everything. Whatever everything is to you, that’s everything.

Q: Can you compare this injury to the one you had in high school (which required surgery to repair torn cartilage)?

A: Nah. No way.

Q: You mean this is much worse, or you just can’t compare?

A: You can’t compare. In high school, I was only out for two weeks when I had my injury.

Q: I thought you had surgery?

A: Yeah, and I was only out for two weeks, and that was it. This is three, four months, so there’s no comparison. But I will recover, 100 percent, and be the same player I was before I left, or even stronger.

Q: That injury dampened some of your numbers at the combine and that’s why–

A: Huh?

Q: Did you come back too early from that injury in high school?

A: Yes, because I was going through the draft at the time, and I had to come back.

Q: And didn’t that kind of knock down some of your numbers in terms of the physical skills tests?

A: That’s what they say. I don’t know. I never tried to find out. I got drafted by Golden State and I put all that behind me.

Q: What have this last six months been like, this roller-coaster — the contract, the accident, the rehab. What’s it been like for you?

A: Got the contract: Lovely. Injury: Setback. Now, everything’s peaches and cream. I’m walking again, back around my teammates, shooting, about to get back to doing what I love doing.

Q: This team’s 7-15. Are you worried they’re going to be too far behind, in terms of the playoff race, by the time you come back?

A: Nah. Ain’t nobody really doing nothing in the West but the Lakers. You look at everybody else, we’re not too far behind them. So you can’t worry about that. Whenever I come back, whatever the record is, we’ll just move on from there. You can’t predict, if I come back, we’ll go 10-0 or 20-0. We can’t predict that. Just got


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Q: Is part of your confidence that you’ll overcome this that you’ve overcome this is because you’ve overcome so much before?

A: I’ve been in a lot of situations, and I’ve been through a lot. It was just how I was brought up. I’m just a tough person. I stay positive, never down on myself. I just stay happy, keep my family close, and my teammates, and just live life. That’s it.

Q: Looking forward to being around the team and traveling?

A: Yeah, all that.

Q: What’s going to be your role on that end. You haven’t been a cheerleader in your career yet.

A: I’ve been a cheerleader for three months now. (Laughs.) So it ain’t nothing new.

Q: A lot of people say watching the game from the bench gives them a whole different perspective?

A: It does. You can see the good things and bad things, the things you need to work on, the things you’re strong at. It just really helped me as a player to help us as a team, to come back and give the input of what I’ve seen when I was on the sideline and put it together when I come back — or before.

Q: Where do you think you will help this team the most?

A: What do you mean?

Q: What specific areas–

A: You know I do everything. That’s offense, defense, hustle, whatever. I do it all.

Q: But you’ve been watching this team and know where the weaknesses are. So I wonder which of those you think you’ll be able to address.

A: Right now, it’s leadership. Bring everybody together, put everybody on the same page, let everybody know what their role is and what we expect from them on this team.

Q: Is that going to be your challenge, being a leader? You’re still a young guy, in your fourth year.

A: Not at all.

Q: Is that quality something that you decided you want to bring since seeing this team play this year, or is it something you’ve been thinking about for a while?

A: It’s just that . . . We’ve got to bring Warriors basketball back. That’s running. That’s what I bring to the table, and that’s what I’m trying to bring back. The leadership, I always had that. Last year, I had put my input in and guys responded to it. Baron did what he did, and we all responded to it. But it’s just me more being, instead of 50 percent, it’s like pretty much 100 percent right now of being a leader. And I really don’t have to take the 100 percent because we’ve got Crawford now and we’ve got Stephen Jackson.

Q: You and Baron were always an exciting back court. Can you and Jamal be similarly exciting.

A: Yeah, something like that.

Q: Why? What is it about you guys’ games?

A: To be honest, I think we’ll be more exciting because both of us can run. Not taking nothing from Baron, but both of us like to get up and run up and down the court, get fast break points. And so, like I said, when I get back it’ll be exciting to see us two.

Q: Following up on one thing, you talked about leadership. A lot of people see this as Stephen Jackson’s team. Do you see this as your team?

A: No. This is the Golden State Warriors team. (Pops jersey to show logo.) I’m just a player that puts in input. That’s it. We’re not trying to get into a debate about whose team this is. It’s all our team. All of us have got to put situations and a lot on our back to carry this team to get it back to what we do. That’s being exciting and running and hopefully getting back to the playoffs.

Q: Can you say what happened in the accident?

A: Nah.


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Ну вот, дождался Коан.

По всей хард-кор-ГСВ-фан комьюнити идёт клич: не обновлять сизон тикетс на следующий сезон.

Потрясающий беспорядок в руководстве команды достал уже всех.

Без настоящего ГМа с полномочиями маршруты улучшения команды непонятны никому. Сусанин на Сусанине сидит и Сусаниным погоняет.

Одни орут:"без настоящего ПГ нам нечего делать в следующем сезоне".

Другие - "Любая команда с присутствием на краске для нас непреодолимое препятствие"

Третьи даже что-то типа "Вся соль в том, что перенапряжённый Стёпа чудит , что стОило команде 5+ игр. Нужно дать ему не больше 28 минут, а у нас нет третьего номера на замену"

Но буквально некому развести по углам эти супер-иго что игроков, что начальников......

Но мне вот что интересно: может ли пример Сакраменто чему-то научить ГСВ?

Я бы точно начал перестройку команды с увольнения Роуэлла!


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Да,по Сакто согласен полностью....Не хочется такой же участи...


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Некое подобие расследование внутри-офисного конфликта, проведённое спецкором CCTimes, обычно не пишущим о баскетболе. Думаю, для "достоверности и не-ангажированности": ежели такое напишет кто-то типа Маркуса Томпсона, у автора появятся проблемы в общении с командой...

Вместе с фактами в статье есть пару вполне безответственых недо-ссылок, каковые я пытался расследовать и обнаружил, что они все есть чистые домыслы. Но автор использует мусор для того, чтобы настоять на своей точке зрения.

А вот картинка поведения Роуэлла в момент не-подписания екстеншна БД - сплошной аромат

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Свежее интервью Маркус Томсон взял у Стэфа в Лас Вегасе

I caught up with Warriors point guard Stephen Curry, who is in Las Vegas for Team USA training camp. Curry has a good chance of making team as one of the most consistent shooters in camp. If he does, he will play in the World Championships in Turkey next month. The last Warrior to represent the U.S. was Chris Mullin on the Dream Team.

I got his opinion on various Warriors topics. He did say he is supposed to meet with new owners Joe Lacob and Peter Guber on Friday at a Team USA function. He said he hasn’t heard from them yet, but looks forward to talking with him. Tried to find out if he would suggest any front-office moves, but he wouldn’t bite. Anyway, Curry’s take on a few things …

How is the Team USA experience so far?

A lot of fun. The talent out here is ridiculous. I’m just trying to find what my role is and learn the system on the go. It’s a great experience. They need somebody who can shoot the ball, so I’m going to try to provide that.

Are you more confident you can make the team after a few days of camp?

I came out here with the expectation of making the team, so I am not more confident. I didn’t come out here with the mindset of I’ma practice for a few days and then see you later.

What do you think about the Warriors’ continued problems with injuries?

I don’t know what to say about the curse of the logo, man. It’s kind of crazy. David Lee’s first practice as a Warrior, he gets hurt. Thankfully his won’t last until training camp or anything. I think it definitely hurts to have Ekpe out for so long, especially with it being his first year. But I think we’ll be all right once we figure out all the pieces that are left to fill our roster.

What do you say to fans worried you might get hurt playing internationally?

Anytime you suit up, even if I’m working out, there’s going to be a risk. I guess it’It is more of a risk if I’m overseas playing full-competition games in the summer time. But I think the risk is definitely worth it just based on what I’m going to get out of it, playing at this level in the summer time instead of just working out. So I would tell everybody I think I’m going to be a lot better player. I’m taking care of my body. I’m not an above-the-rim guy anyway. You don’t get hurt on the 3-point line.

What do you think of the moves your team has made?

I kind of have two separate emotions. You see all these moves with guys that I’ve built relationships with this year. We’ve had our ups-and-downs together through such a long year, especially all the young guys. To see C.J. and Morrow, Ronny and Randolph and all those guys leave, it’s kind of tough. On the other side, you add David Lee, an All-Star who will definitely help our team out. Dorell Wright can guard the three spot like we didn’t have last year at all. So I’m happy that we’re trying to make moves to get our team in the right spot. I know they had a lot of expectations to sign C.J. and Ant back. But it was one of those things where they deserved a lot of money and they got it.

You more confident you and Monta can succeed as backcourt?

Definitely. We had our ups and downs this year trying to play together. I told him before we left that the chemistry we had toward the end of the year was solid and hopefully the summer doesn’t kill that. Adding David Lee as another threat to our starting lineup will hopefully get us where we want to be. Monta, we all know how talented he is and how much he wants to win. So as long as we all come back healthy and ready in training camp, I think we’ll be fine.

Feeling the pressure of being the franchise guy yet?

I’m just going out there playing and whatever my role is on the team, I’m going to take it. It’s not me trying to be the man on the team or trying to be the face of the Warriors or anything like that. It takes more than one person to win. I know there were a lot of talks that I was the only one that wasn’t up to be traded or anything like that, which may be true. But that notis not going to last if come into training camp behind. even the last thing on my mind. I’m just going out there to play with the lineup we have and do what I do.

What do you think of the new owners?

For them to spend that much money on the franchise means their dedicated. Hopefully they’ve got more in the tank, that they have ideas and a direction for where they want to go with the team. It’s a lot to spend $450 million on a team. Hopefully, they’re involved and real personable with the team. I think they have some experience — with Lacob being part of the Celtics — and they understand that how great a fan base the Bay Area is and what kind of team and market we can have if everything falls into place. So I’m looking forward to meeting them and seeing what kind of direction they have for us.

In five years, we’ll make (their money) back for them. Watch.


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