West Round 2. LAKERS (1) vs HOUSTON (5).

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делаю все, чтобы Клайд смог завтра прочитать эту ветку. Бу и ракеты, остыньте.

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/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="http://fantasynba.ru/uploads/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> у меня инет плохой сегодня, устал уже чистить


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блин...а игра то в 22.30 по местному времени...

значит в 6.30 утра у нас если не ошибаюсь....

делаю все, чтобы Клайд смог завтра прочитать эту ветку. Бу и ракеты, остыньте. у меня инет плохой сегодня, устал уже чистить

я как раз очень хладнокровен )))

Лу ну скажи что ты меня не узнаешь?!!!

у меня инет плохой сегодня, устал уже чистить

у меня сейчас хороший...могу и почистить...


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Лу там дело даже не в Бугае и ракетах, а в том, что сказал Марк. тимак мне рокс, но истина дороже.


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Марк это кто?

и что он сказал...

ну и за Хитпоинта вы мне еще ответите )))))


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Марк это Спартак-воин.


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все....просто не знал...

Марк имхо все верно сказал......

вообще не узнаю болел лал...они такие гипер активные а в итоге за их команду оттудваюсь я , человек который был как раз у них в опале....


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ну вот Фил услышал Бугая и Одом сегодня начнет в старте. посмотрим, что даст креатив мудрейшего...


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Subsequent to L.A.’s Wednesday morning shootaround, head coach Phil Jackson said that Lamar Odom would likely move into the starting lineup for the 7:30 p.m. tip against Houston.

The decision that would put Andrew Bynum onto the bench won’t become concrete until, at the earliest, Jackson’s pregame media session. Here are a few guesses, in ABCDE-style, as to why Jackson might make the change:

A) Bynum’s inclusion in the starting lineup can limit the early offensive activity for Pau Gasol, who’s among the league’s best when the action runs through him whether he’s shooting or passing.

B) Of the two low-post scorers, Gasol may have a better chance of getting Rockets center Yao Ming to commit fouls on the low block, or at least forcing him to play 1-on-1 defense in the paint. Furthermore, the threat of Gasol’s 15-footer is likely to force Yao out of the lane at times, in contrast to Game 1 where he was most effective when camped out in the lane. With the big man stepping out, driving lanes open for L.A.’s wing players.

C) Starting gives Odom the best chance to get into the flow of the game, which will be particularly important heading into the fourth quarter. Coming off the bench in the regular season is different from the playoffs, since the minutes are less loosely dispersed. Odom played 16 minutes in the first half of Monday’s loss, but only managed four points, two boards and an assist. He finished with nine points, five boards and three assists in 31 minutes and missed 6-of-7 free throw attempts.

D) When Bynum comes in off the pine, the 21-year-old will - at least at times - have a big matchup advantage. Since Yao probably can’t play 40 minutes as he did in Game 1, the Rockets will have to send the much smaller Carl Landry or Chuck Hayes (if not Luis Scola) on to contend with L.A.’s seven footer. And with Kobe Bryant or Gasol likely be on the bench, Bynum’s aggressiveness on offense will work just fine. While the coaching staff would like him to focus on his defense and rebounding at that stage, the ability to dump the ball down to a big center with a matchup advantage is enticing.

E) Foul trouble isn’t as much of an issue when coming off the bench.

Stay tuned before the game for Jackson’s official announcement of his starting five, which you can find through the Lakers.com home page or our Playoff Central page.

« Walton To Be Activated


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ну все...ты убил тимку....

B) Of the two low-post scorers, Gasol may have a better chance of getting Rockets center Yao Ming to commit fouls on the low block, or at least forcing him to play 1-on-1 defense in the paint. Furthermore, the threat of Gasol’s 15-footer is likely to force Yao out of the lane at times, in contrast to Game 1 where he was most effective when camped out in the lane. With the big man stepping out, driving lanes open for L.A.’s wing players.

C) Starting gives Odom the best chance to get into the flow of the game, which will be particularly important heading into the fourth quarter. Coming off the bench in the regular season is different from the playoffs, since the minutes are less loosely dispersed. Odom played 16 minutes in the first half of Monday’s loss, but only managed four points, two boards and an assist. He finished with nine points, five boards and three assists in 31 minutes and missed 6-of-7 free throw attempts.



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вот хорошая статейка про Рона:

New, improved Artest making fans forget about that other guy

By Vincent Thomas, for NBA.com

Posted May 5 2009 6:01PM

LOS ANGELES -- People think this Lakers-Rockets series is about Ron Artest vs. Kobe Bryant, but it isn't. Ron and Kobe will go head-to-head only so much. After the Rockets' Game 1 win, Ron said that Kobe is the only dude that can "stop" Kobe. And, of course, Kobe, in his dry postgame press conference, played down any matchup when he dismissed the thought that Houston's defense is any more difficult to navigate than anyone else's.

The truly compelling story of this series is New Ron vs. Old Ron. Artest, in case you haven't noticed, has recast himself as a thoughtful, charming, gregarious oddball. Not more than a couple years ago, he was a knucklehead thug. Now that's what I call public opinion rehabilitation.

His new mohawk, designating Brandon Roy as the best two-guard in the league, tongue-in-cheek comments about "going into the stands" -- Ron Artest is endearing now. The truth is, Ron was never a thug. Yeah, he was a bully on the court and, yeah, he went crazy for a few minutes in Detroit a few years ago. But the dude was never a thug. He always had a big heart and a unique MO. Mistakes will miscast you, though.

Lost in all that was another secret: Ron Artest is one of the best basketball players on the planet. He is way smarter than you think, one of the most cerebral players bouncing a ball today. His coach, Rick Adelman, said that his job is easier because Ron is so intelligent. Yao Ming said he was gonna leave Staples and scream, at the top of his lungs, about how smart Ron is -- just in case it's not common knowledge. Very few players analyze the game -- especially player matchups -- the way Ron does. That's why he's so effective at shutting down the unshutdownable stars in this league.

When you combine prowess with personality, you can see why he's such a dramatic and entertaining figure. Freed from the burden of public contempt, people are starting to slowly come to terms with the fact that Ron is a one-of-a-kind gem.

Post-game press conferences are boring. Unless the wry Gregg Popovich is at the podium, it's basically a procession of athletes and coaches spewing clichés. Very few cats let us on to anything. This Lakers-Rockets series happens to have two of the few: Lamar Odom and Ron-Ron. Odom is thoughtful. He's quiet, reserved, calculated and introspective. Artest is loose, cavalier and off-the-cuff. His candor should be cherished. Even if it is a little unsettling.

Sometimes, a dude can be so honest it's uncomfortable, like Seinfeld's Kramer. Not Michael Richards screaming the N-word at the Laugh Factory -- Cosmo Kramer telling George's girlfriend she needs a nose job. That's Ron-Ron. He's a 6-foot-8 Afro-American Kramer, telling Craig Sager that he thinks Charles Barkley was overrated. And he's self-aware, too. Only Artest would joke about "going into the stands" when a reporter asked him about his foray into the Toyota Center crowd, chasing a loose ball during the Rockets' Game 6 clincher against the Blazers. Even Yao had to laugh at that. The press corps cracked up, too. It's fun when Ron is viewed as mostly harmless, but wholly cool and likable.

He's also showing his leadership chops. It was Ron, not Yao or darling Shane Battier, that said the Rockets would not being happy simply getting past the first round. Artest brings a hubris to the table that you have to love. He fears no man, and his team senses that and feeds off that machismo. He backs the swagger up on the court, too.

He hit more than a few big shots in Game 1 and was a cool hand whenever L.A. made a run. After Trevor Ariza threw down a fastbreak dunk to give L.A. a 22-21 lead, Ron motioned for Kyle Lowry to chill. So Lowry slowed down, gave the ball to Ron, who dribbled past half-court, called a play, muscled Ariza down to the block and, when the double-team came, dropped a bounce pass to Carl Landry right at the bucket for a score. That's what we call "facilitating." There are maybe only 10 "facilitators" in the whole league -- 12 tops. To facilitate takes skill, smarts, maturity and the respect of your teammates. If your teammates don't respect you, then they'll scoff when you try to direct traffic. Ron's teammates fall in line.

Don't under-estimate this cat just because he speaks with no filter and wears tight shorts from the John Stockton/Isiah Thomas wheelhouse (seriously, those things may as well be boy-shorts). When he said that Brandon Roy was the best two-guard he's defended, some mistook that for foolish idiocy. Really? You think Ron is dumb. He's the craziest fox you know.

We've seen some great coming out parties in these Playoffs. Rondo, Rose, Roy. Names are being made. This might be Ron's 10th season in the league, but he's making a name for himself, too -- a new name. In this series, that's the real story.


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Базил,а ты причем тут?? бугай в аську наплакал как раньше?!)))

это тебя не красит-ведь это уже оскарбление и провокация,+ флуд...

бугай-ты и тут не сдержался бедный,никак себя сдержать не можешь))

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/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="http://fantasynba.ru/uploads/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> Поздравляю, Бугай! Посмотрим сегодня, как оно выйдет.

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Ух ты, это что-укор?? я просто пропустил мягкий знак...ну по крайней мере так наши коментаторы говорят,Джанлука Базиль...

хотя думаю на них Вы не жалуетесь и письма не пишите))

ну и конечно нужно такое известное имя в баскетболе знать,безусловно,иначе в нем ты просто не разбиравешься,да?!

и если разговор о кол-ве постов, то это вопрос тоже не ко мне,я далеко в этом не рекордсмен, скорей это вопрос к вашему товарищу))

картинка просто уж оч. красивая, а если проблемы с трафиком-то можно откл. картинки)

да, и не думаю что уж очень уважитенлен был первый пост...

Артест в своем репертуаре))

вот одно из последних егоинтервью:

Artest Could Earn Himself Nice Payday

With Tracy McGrady on the shelf, Ron Artest has helped lead the Rockets to the second round of the postseason.

Artest has averaged 16.4 points during the playoffs, including 21 points against Los Angeles in Houston's Game 1 win at the Staples Center.

He'll be a free agent this summer, and wants people to know that he can still play.

"There's guys younger than me that can't play defense like me," Artest told the Toronto Sun.

"So I guess I feel 19. I know I feel young. But I seem old. People make me look old.

"They always talk about the 2010 class. To all these young guys: 'Hold on, I'm still here. Can I get another contract please?' Am I that old?"

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с победой!!!!

и всех болел лал....

Вот так вот Газоль может играть в атаке против Яо и должен...


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