
..::T-Wolves 2010::..

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Пековича жалко.

За Амаре можно пожертвовать.


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17 лямов Амари, против 13-ти Джефферсона зачем это вообще...

У Амари контракт короче. Можно обменять Джефферсона и не потерять в продуктивности с позиции центра. Потом в 2011 будет до фига денег под кэпом. Опять же Амари больше подходит под бегущую игру, которую Рэмбис пытается ставить. А можно и вовсе не менять Джеффа, пусть Лав со скамьи выходит тем более что у него получается, и выход плей-офф в следующем году возможен, хватит по подвалу уже рассекать.


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хм...может и не плохо, может и не плохо...передняя линия канеш была-бы вообще откат. всех бы сторили.

а если ещё учесть прогресс Флинна, Брюера и появление в окманде скажем Тернера, то вообще симпатично всё выглядит. ну будем смотреть. тепер ьулавливаю мыслю твою. мож и не плохо. но нету гарантии что Амари останеться в Минни. Вот это пугает, что пик и Пековича можем просто профукать.


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начали слишком часто побеждать...это может плохо сказаться на драфте, в итоге останемся и без Уолла и без Тернера. Рамбис должен образумить ребят.


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ну и дела...четвертая победа под ряд и мы сровнялись с оуклендом...это просто пипец...плакал наш второй пик по ходу...куда смотрит Рамбис ?


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Наоборот, на лотерее повезёт.

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The Minnesota Timberwolves remain focused on evaluation and determination of the core players they'll commit to beyond this rebuilding season and the approaching NBA trade deadline doesn't factor in to that process, president of basketball operations David Kahn said Monday.

So don't expect the Timberwolves to make any more than a minor move before the Feb. 18 cutoff for making deals, until the swapping and signing of players can begin again in July.

"I know that we won't do something dramatic," Kahn said, adding: "Firm as firm can be. Absolutely. We will not move one of the big people in the next 10 days. It would be a mistake of epic proportions."

That means point guards Jonny Flynn and Ramon Sessions, perimeter players Corey Brewer and Ryan Gomes and power forwards Al Jefferson and Kevin Love have the rest of the season to prove their worth and their fit with coach Kurt Rambis's triangle scheme. First-round draft pick Ricky Rubio is part of that process too, a world away in Spain, but Kahn again ruled out a trade this year.

"We've gotten calls on him, of course, but there's no way I would do anything with him now. Absolutely none," Kahn said. "He's still young, and I still think he can be one of the better point guards to play in the game."

After a season-high four straight wins, the Wolves still are last in the Western Conference at 13-38. In a question-and-answer session with reporters at Target Center on Monday, Kahn said he sees the team as two years away from playoff contention.

"In three or four years I hope we'll be among the best teams in this league," Kahn said.

One major question to be answered is whether Jefferson, the leading scorer and centerpiece of the franchise-altering Kevin Garnett trade of three years ago, will be part of the progress.

"We have not had one discussion that we initiated involving Al Jefferson," Kahn said. "Not one. And yet it hasn't stopped people from saying that he has been talked about in trades. Not true."

Kahn said he took a call from another team about that very subject Monday morning.

"Al understands: That's part of my job," Kahn said. "You have to listen, but that's a big difference than initiating or showing interest."

That doesn't mean the Wolves won't be open to it or even aggressive about it this summer, when they'll have around $13 million or $14 million in salary cap space. They need to add a true center, among other players, to go with Jefferson and/or Love.

"I think any of us could be gone, to tell you the truth, this summer," Love said after Monday's practice, adding: "We'll just have to wait and see."

Jefferson and Love essentially play the same position, though that also doesn't guarantee either one of them will be traded. The Wolves likely will have a top-five draft pick and possibly two later first-rounders from other teams, too.

"You certainly can make an argument with your whole team, but especially your big people that it might be nice to have an embarrassment of riches at those positions," Kahn said.

On other subjects:

_ Nikola Pekovic, a second-round draft pick from Europe in 2008 for whom the Wolves hold rights, will be considered as an option for the frontcourt next season. He's only 6-foot-9, but he plays a more muscular game than Jefferson and Love. "The guy is like an Adonis," Kahn said.

_ Kahn said he thought Sessions would play more than he has after signing a four-year, $16 million contract. "Kurt likes the idea of having Ramon behind Jonny as a way to influence behavior," Kahn said.

_ Finishing strong in the last 31 games will be a selling point for free agents, Kahn said, as well as ownership, front office and coaching staff stability. "We have to make sure it feels hopeful as opposed to hopeless," he said.

_ Kahn credited Rambis and his staff for their work with this team. "They have done a magnificent job of keeping the spirits up in a very difficult environment," he said.

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As the Chicago Bulls prepare to trade forward Tyrus Thomas(notes) before Thursday’s deadline, the franchise’s front office has suggested to prospective bidders that they have a solid offer of a middling first-round pick and expiring contracts, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

Nevertheless, here are two developments to watch with Thomas: Several league executives suggested the Minnesota Timberwolves could be a sleeper for him. Minnesota general manager David Kahn has been researching Thomas and has plenty of assets – three 2010 first-round picks, multiple second-rounders and a host of expiring contracts – to make it happen. Once the Timberwolves trade Al Jefferson(notes) this summer, they can re-sign Thomas and plug him into the frontline with Kevin Love(notes). Jefferson is expected to be traded for a talented, young small forward.

Trading for Thomas would be a way to get a long, athletic power forward with upside, and the Timberwolves could easily re-sign him this summer

главное сейчас не начудить и не отдавать своего пика. Пусть Кан отдает пик Шарлот, а ещё лучше Юты.

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Зачем отдавать пик за того, кого можно будет легко подписать через 4 месяца?


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Как по мне минесота провалила етот драфт взять Флина , Рубио и Лоусона, а остаться токо с Флином которий очень переоценен.Хотя можно било взять того же Стефана Карри и пользи больше било б чем од Флина.


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сегодня друзья - великая игра, день истины. Наши ребята выйдут на поле как гладиаторы защищяющие свою честь от всякой нечисти. Нам нужен фрэнчайз Сэшнс, нам нужэн ДПОЙ Брюер, нам нужен МВП Лав. Вперед Волки, вперед!


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Как по мне минесота провалила етот драфт взять Флина , Рубио и Лоусона, а остаться токо с Флином которий очень переоценен.Хотя можно било взять того же Стефана Карри и пользи больше било б чем од Флина.

на драфте были огромные вопросы про рост карри и насчет того как он будет проваливаться между позициями...и насчет защиты...

хотя я с тобой соглашусь, по результатам этого сезона провал...но вот если появиться рубио и заиграет, +еще пик бобкетс в этом году у них...так что все будет видно позже


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Вроде как было заявлено, что в следующем сезоне на Рубио не надеятся, что не будет его в Минни, потому как слишком дорого выкупать его контракт у Барселоны.


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