
Dallas сезон 2013-2014

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The top 5 times Jerry Stackhouse beat down a NBA player


No video survived this attack because it didn’t happen on the court. Throughout the game, which occurred in Dallas in April of 2005, Stackhouse had been complaining to the refs that Snyder was throwing cheap and illegal elbows (doesn’t everything in basketball seem to stem from this?). They exchanged unpleasantries immediately following the game with Mark Cuban comparing the confrontation to a couple of “Miller Lite” girls. Oh really? Stack decided to take it to the next level… in the hallway in front of the Jazz’s team bus.

Reports are varied on exactly what happened, but they all agree on two things: Stackhouse clocked Snyder onto the ground, and had his face bleeding by the end of the 40-second throwdown. Some say the Mavs guard was waiting for Snyder in front of the bus… others recall he was just there talking to his wife. Just know Snyder got more than one fist to the face.

Check out what Alvin Gentry said to Jack McCallum in the book, 7 Seconds Or Less:

“[after a game against Utah] Stackhouse tells [Kirk Snyder], “I’m going to kick your ass,” but the kid doesn’t think anything about it. Game’s over, Stackhouse, who dresses all GQ, goes to the equipment manager and asks for a warm-up suit, puts that on, goes out into the tunnel, sees Snyder, kicks his ass with a couple of punches, goes back into the locker room, returns the warm-up and puts on a nice blue suit. All in a day’s work.”

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Даллас получил Тайсона Чендлера и Фэлтона

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В Никс едут Ларкин,Кальдерон,Эллингтон и Сэмми,а также 34-й и 51-й пики драфта.

На мой взгляд,многовато,за стареющего Тайсона и толстожопого недопыжа

Особенно жалко пики.

Драфт глубокий,могли бы рискнуть и взять пару молодых парней.


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Хотел бы чтобы Нельсон подписал контракт с Далласом


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Нафиг он им? Они Харриса вроде переподписывают, плюс Мекел.


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чтобы скормить Реймонда Ф. волкам. ну или кто там живёт в дикой природе Техаса.

с 1-ым номером полный улёт, конечно. как говорится, спасибо, что не Чалмерс.


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Free agent guard Jameer Nelson has finalized the paperwork on his two-year, $6 million contract with the Dallas Mavericks, a league source told RealGM.

Nelson will earn $2.73 million in the first season of his deal and $3.27 million in Year 2, which will be a player option.

Well over 10 NBA teams – including the Houston Rockets, Dallas Mavericks, Washington Wizards and Chicago Bulls – pursued Nelson in unrestricted free agency and remained interested as he neared an agreement with the Mavericks.

Приятно что мое мнение совпало с мнением самого Нельсона

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