
НБА. Самые свежие новости

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а кто есть в никс....ли.....и все......

Ну Ли ещё надо подписать. Там будет Галлинарии, Чендлер и очень много свободных денег, достаточно чтобы взять Амаре, например.


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Martin told Y! Sports’ Marc Spears he will miss Sacramento, but was appreciative for the chance to play for a potential playoff team.

”It goes both ways,” Martin said by phone shortly after the trade. ”Sacramento gave me an opportunity. I was a late first-round pick. I could have been playing overseas. I assumed they still loved me. I was the ‘Golden Child’ – that’s what Corliss Williamson used to say. I guess that’s the sad part.

”But it was time. I used to be the young guy playing with old guys. Now I’m the old guy playing with young guys. Let the young guys develop. I appreciate them letting me go to a playoff-caliber team at this time of my career.”

The Kings pulled Martin aside at halftime and told him he was being traded. Martin will be reunited with former Sacramento coach Rick Adelman.

”At halftime coach [Paul Westphal] said, ‘There is a trade involving you. You are the piece,” Martin said. ”My first question was, ‘Who is the team?’ ‘Houston.’ I was good with it. It’s time to move on.

”I’m definitely excited for a new opportunity with my old coach. That’s the funny part.”

If T-Mac stays with the Kings and ends up with a buyout, he hopes to join a playoff contender. A source close to him says he would like to sign with the Los Angeles Lakers or Cleveland Cavaliers.

While there’s no evidence the Lakers have interest, Cavs GM Danny Ferry had done a little research on T-Mac during his exile from the Rockets. Still, the Cavaliers traded for Antawn Jamison on Wednesday and it’s extremely unclear whether they would want to risk disrupting their chemistry to bring on another former All-Star – one who has spent the season recovering from microfracture knee surgery.

McGrady has played in only six games, appearing for fewer than eight minutes in each, before the Rockets gave him a leave in December to work out in Chicago.

The Knicks had been in serious negotiations for McGrady since All-Star weekend, but those talks stalled over Houston’s demands for draft picks and the protection for the picks. The Rockets, who also had been in negotiations with the Chicago Bulls, then engaged the Kings in a three-way dialogue.

The Bulls were trying to get McGrady and his $23 million expiring contract, but ended up making a smaller trade – sending John Salmons to the Milwaukee Bucks – that changed those conversations.

Rockets GM Daryl Morey has long been enamored with Martin, and kept pushing for a deal between the two teams. Morey knew Martin had become unhappy in Sacramento, sources said, and that the Kings shooting guard was struggling to adjust playing alongside rookie point guard Tyreke Evans. Martin didn’t feel like his talents were compatible with Evans, and struggled to defer to him.

Изменено пользователем Артем Панченко

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SloNick ты самый череп, скажи , пожалуйста , когда дэдлайн?

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Поддержу Слоника, думаю или игроки попы подтянут, или будет локаут, ато у них итак большие ревеньюз, да и контракты длинные...столько им никто не придложит. А не захотят новый контракт, ваще блин будут без денег сидеть))и если звезды еще это переживут, то рядовые игроки думаю будут готовы идти на некотрые уступки.

Но вероятность локаута конечно велика...


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На яху часы до дедлайна работают уже пару недель как - ещё чуть меньше 8 часов


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Так еще есть время или всё?До скольки по Москве возможны трейды?

На время истекло....

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Блин...Голова кругом!На нба.ком время истекло,а на яху еще 7 часов....


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8 часов до дедлайна - это интереснее) пускай будет 8)


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нба.ком время истекло

нба.ком довольно ненадежный сайт в плане всяких технических штучек.


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Я тоже склонен больше доверять Яху и Пароксизму)


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