
Ситуация с МакГрэйди

Что делать с МакГрэйди?   52 голоса

  1. 1. МакГрэйди нужно:

    • лечить и не выпускать на площадку
    • давать играть только в важных матчах
    • выпускать постоянно, давая возможность набрать форму
    • действовать по нынешней схеме (больно - сиди, не больно - играй. Плевать на качество)
    • менять, цепляясь за любую стоящую возможность

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96 сообщений в этой теме

Калечные игроки то оказались. На бумаге состав то чемпионский...


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Прочитал только что? Ты, наверное, это имеешь в виду:

They also know that McGrady's antics have had a spillover effect on Artest, who is now openly showing signs of all the things that set off alarm bells when the Rockets traded to bring him into the fold. The bet was that a strong locker room would keep Artest on the straight and narrow, playing hard. But a locker room with an atmosphere of an asylum run by one of the inmates, now has Artest less than fully committed to playing on an achy ankle as he moves closer to free agency next summer.

Опять-таки, достаточно интересно закрутил Фран

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/emoticons/default_dry.png" alt="<_<"> Хм.. Надо подумать...


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Ну и даже если желающих в самом деле не найдется, Артист как раз из таких, кто может пойти на принцип. Для второго альбома время будет опять же.

Единственный возможный вариант с МЛЕ - это если Рокитс выиграют перстни в этом году, тогда может Ронни и переступит через гордость. Но мне в это слабо верится.


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Желающие всегда найдутся, тому же Мемфису или ОКС терять по большому счету нечего. Подписывали же Райдера, Кемпа, Родмана и прочих. Артист сейчас получает в районе 8 миллионов и цена до 10 лямов в год + короткий контракт (3 года, например) - это неплохое соотношение риска и возможного дохода.

Зачем? Ты же сам сейчас подал эти две команды в качестве примеров (это ясно, ведь в этих командах третьи номера не нужны как факт), но расклад в том, что после того, что может быть в этом году, Артест если и захочет уйти, то не в болото, а в команду-контендер. По памяти, кап-спейс есть у "Портленда" (с забитой позицией СФ за кучей игроков (Мартелл (с истекающим)/Трэвис/Батум/+заигрывание Руди или Роя)), да и все, пожалуй...

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Изменено пользователем Артем Панченко

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Зачем? Ты же сам сейчас подал эти две команды в качестве примеров (это ясно, ведь в этих командах третьи номера не нужны как факт)

Ну Мемфис может поставить Гея на СГ или использовать Артиста на ПФ, где у них вообще дыра. В любом случае, это one of them good problems.

По памяти, кап-спейс есть у "Портленда" (с забитой позицией СФ за кучей игроков (Мартелл (с истекающим)/Трэвис/Батум/+заигрывание Руди или Роя))

Вообще то у Портленда СФ - это как раз самая "незабитая" позиция и Артист там бы был очень к месту, но там свои причины не подписывать Рона, хотя Притчард может и рискнуть.

Боттом лайн, вопрос не в возможных альтернативах для Артиста, а в неизбежном конфликте, который возникнет если Рон почувствует, что его "надувают" с контрактом.


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да какой там разрядилась...наоборот как по мне..

уже на клатче выкладываюца темы правда с источником НюЙорк дэйли,что в раздевалке Мак на Яо наезжает,типа он единалит,мячем не делица,хотя Мак постоянно Яо и заигрывает и причем он реализует с %50+

потом что Артест смотрит на Трейси и тож бесица...

лучше только в одном-меньше боли в голове у Аделя..

теперь он точно знает,то может на Лютика и Вона ращитывать,а не на Мака и Рона=)


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Я бы не бесился, а прибил бы его в раздевалке.

Единалит? ничего что Яо бросат с процентом 50+Ю а у Тимака сейсас если 40% выйдет уже удачный матч.


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так я про тож и писал выше,что у Яо на 20% лучше бросает и попадает))

Читал тока что на хронике,что ему Мори и Адель поставили ульитматум из трёх пунктов, потому что у Аделя вжэ тэрпэць лопнув))

вот пускай теперь сидит 2 недели...хотя прозвучала и такая фраза,что неизвестно будут ли на него еще ращитывать в этом сезоне или нет - неизвестно))

хотья бы как с Гилом не получилось)))ато всеравно Мак нам нужен,тока здоровый.

по рону неизвестно ваще,т.к. сказали что он ногу усугубил када 2ой раз подвернул её в матче против торонто

п.с. вот забыл вставить те 3 пункта

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1. Get in better shape.

2. Learn to deal with the pain in your left knee.

3. Don’t come back until you do.

Изменено пользователем t-mac9

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а вот что написано на сайте Ти-Мак.ком

Update from Tracy

Hi all,

As some of you may have read, I’m going to shut it down for 2 weeks to try and give my knee more rest. We’ve tried playing through the pain and playing part-time, and this is the next option in trying to get me back to 100%. The training staff, Coach Adelman, and I have all put our heads together and think that this is the best option. I’ll be out of the lineup for 2 weeks, but will be doing a number of strengthening workouts during that time. Because I had the surgery in May, I wasn’t able to begin my off-season strength and conditioning routine that I do every year on time. I’ve never felt 100% out there this year, and I think not being able to go through that routine was a reason why. Getting this time to focus on strengthening, and getting a break from the wear the knee takes during the course of the season will hopefully get me back on track. I’m determined to get back and go full throttle when I get out there.

I know it’s frustrating for Rockets fans to see me out of the lineup but believe me, it’s no fun on the sidelines. My teammates have been very supportive though, and just want to see me healthy when I get back on the court with them. We’re in the 6 spot out West now and I have all the faith in the world in these guys to carry us while I’m out. For now we are relying on Yao and the rest of the guys to get it done without me. The game plan is to rejoin the team when the knee is back at full strength so we can challenge for home court in the playoffs and make a deep run for the title.

I also wanted to say thanks to all my fans out there for their continuous support. This year has been incredibly frustrating for me, and knowing that I have the backing and support of my fans worldwide makes me that much more determined to come back better than ever.



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Самая раздражующая команда лиг в этом сезоне

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вот тож о многом говорящее чтиво с НБА.ком((

The Daily Dose: Houston grows weary of waiting on T-Mac

By David Aldridge, TNT analyst

A lot of times, one win is all you need to forget your troubles in the NBA. Two and you're rolling. Three, and it's, "Who dares to play us in the first round?"

But there are also times when a win streak is only a mirage, wet soap covering up hidden ugliness inside the window.

This is Houston. And, yes, they have a problem. (God, I hate using that old, tired, trite saying. Please, help me come up with another one. Like, "Houston, why didn't they base a high-ratings series on your town?" Or, "Houston, what do you do with the Astrodome these days?" Anything new would be greatly appreciated.)

The Rockets' recent uptick in play may have camouflaged their issues to those who aren't paying attention. But a season that began with such promise in the 713 is rapidly deteriorating. You get a gold star if you suspect Tracy McGrady is at the center of it all.

After limping and gimping around on his left knee through December, McGrady was put on a two- to three-week rehab assignment on Monday to improve his conditioning. "Conditioning" was the word the team used, deliberately so.

Now, in sports, you can be conditioning to rehabilitate a surgically-repaired part -- like, "Gilbert Arenas is still conditioning his knee." Or, there's conditioning when you're not in shape -- like, "David Aldridge is conditioning, and we hope he'll be able to finish the mile-and-a-half run sometime in the next decade."

So, which is it with McGrady?

"He's conditioning," Rockets GM Daryl Morey said Tuesday. "Tracy said it himself. He wants to do his off-season conditioning program. So that's what he's doing."

That's great. Except ... it's not the offseason.

"He couldn't do it in the offseason because of the (knee) surgery," Morey said.

If this were someone else, it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal. But it's McGrady, who disclosed on the Rockets' media day, four months after his May knee surgery, that the knee was about "75, 80 percent," and also said he would probably need shoulder surgery after the '08-09 season was over, despite having had that cleaned out in the offseason, too.

Hence, no offseason conditioning program.

The Rockets are putting a positive spin on this, but Waiting for Tracy is a play that nobody in Houston wants to see anymore -- up to and including the big man, Yao Ming.

"They don't speak," an extremely plugged-in person tells me. "And Yao wants him out."

That's not likely this season, as McGrady's $20.3 million is toxic to too many teams' luxury tax plans. Next summer, though, when McGrady will have an expiring, $22.4 million contract, teams may well circle the Rockets looking to make a deal.

It's not personal between Yao and McGrady. They like one another. But Yao's frustration is real. And Yao is not the only person that's grown tired of McGrady's self-diagnosis, his up-to-the-last-minute decisions on whether he'll play or not. This isn't questioning his toughness; McGrady took a bunch of pain-killing shots just to get through the first round of the playoffs. And it's unfair of anyone to judge McGrady on his ability to play well in pain; some can, some can't. Ron Artest wanted to keep playing on what the team is now calling a "stress reaction" in his ankle after gutting it out for a month, but he's been shut down for a week to 10 days.

And it's not McGrady's fault that Artest is hurt, just as Shane Battier has been hurt most of the season, or that these Rockets -- who were so resilient last season in winning 22 straight without Yao for a good chunk of that streak -- haven't shown much of that resolve.

But the sad irony is that McGrady has become Grant Hill, his former Orlando teammate who suffered through injury after injury after signing a huge, $93 million contract -- a physical deterioration that wore on McGrady's nerves as one Magic season after another was torched because of another Hill operation.

One veteran scout who worked a Rockets game recently was shocked by the deterioration in the still-29-year-old McGrady's game.

"I thought to myself, 'My God, he's old,'" the scout said. "It was amazing."

You need to know who you can count on, and the Rockets have no idea if they can count on McGrady anymore. When Coach Rick Adelman pointed out the elephant in the room late last week, the team had to act.

"The in-and-out was affecting the team," Morey said. "Rick wanted to put a definitive plan in place."

Morey allowed that there's "a lot of frustration" concerning McGrady.

"Everyone wants him to be where we know what he is capable of doing," Morey said. "I mean, he basically kept us in the Utah series (last year) ... both he and Ron were trying to fight their way through, probably coming back before they should. We were OK with that (before) because the doctors said they couldn't hurt it any more, which is still the case."

In the meantime, there's still a season going on, and the Rockets, seventh in the West entering play Tuesday, still have a role to play. Maybe McGrady still does, too, if his knee comes around. During training camp, McGrady said his doctors put full recovery from the May surgery at six months, which should have had him full strength in December. Maybe three weeks of offseason conditioning are what McGrady needs.

If not ...

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Morey said.

And Houston still waits on McGrady.

Always, Houston waits.


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Don't believe everything you read

Hey everyone,

I know there’s been a lot of talk out there about problems between me and Yao, most of which began with the article on Normally I don’t get concerned or involved with all that, and don’t want to respond to each false rumor or accusation that ends up somewhere on the internet or on a talk radio show, however the article by David Aldridge struck a nerve. The accusations in the article about me and Yao having problems and Yao wanting me out of Houston are just plain ridiculous. Yao and I have a great relationship. We are not only teammates, we are friends. Yao’s personally told me that the info in the article is untrue, and we both feel that it’s another example of the media trying to divide our locker room and create something out of nothing. Aren’t there enough real stories out there to report on?

So to all the Rockets fans out there, there’s no need to worry about problems in the locker room and between players. We’re all tight and we are all focused on our goal, and that is to bring a championship to Houston.

And next time David Aldridge, get your facts straight.



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Tracy McGrady returned to practice with the Rockets on Tuesday, eyeing a possible return when the Rockets get out on the road late in the week.

Afterwards, T-Mac was looking to win back a few fans.

Local Channel 2 went to McGrady's home to talk with him and his trainer Wayne Hall, and both said T-Mac has made major strides during this recent stretch where has sat out.

"The knee feels good," said McGrady. "I'm confident about it. That was something I was lacking. I tried to come back early and I didn't have the physical and mental aspect to go out there and compete against some of the best players in the world. It just didn't work out for me, but now I feel like I'm back."

McGrady said after his shoulder surgery in May that he hadn't lifted a single weight -- that is until 10 days ago.

"He's improved tremendously," said Hall, who said McGrady has slimmed down and improved his speed and strength. "I'm so proud of the guy because in 10 days, it's a miracle. He's really put in the work."

McGrady conceded that he knows the fans aren't too thrilled with what they've seen from him this season.

"I [too] was frustrated at the beginning of the season because I wasn't able to be myself," said McGrady. "I was just eager and anxious to get out there because of what we brought as far as our roster, having Ron Artest and adding some of the pieces that we did. I was just excited about getting out there and getting my team off to a good start. Now if that hurt me with my fans, so be it. I'll get them back because I believe in my ability."

Well, it's a first step, and certainly a far cry from the team-under-the-bus toss ("It's kind of hard to get in a groove when you touch the ball once every five minutes") that we heard after the Raptors effort debacle, but we'll see if McGrady can turn it around from here.



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