
Houston Rockets. Season 2009|2010

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  1. 1. Попадут ли "Рокетс" в плей-офф

    • Да
    • Нет
  2. 2. Сколько матчей под силу взять "Ракетам"

    • 0-15
    • 16-25
    • 26-30
    • 31-35
    • 36-41
    • 42-47
    • 47+
  3. 3. Кто станет самым результативным баскетболистом команды по итогам сезона?

    • Трэйси МакГрэйди
    • Аарон Брукс
    • Луис Скола
    • Трэвор Ариза
    • Дэвид Андерсен
    • Кто-то другой

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Ну да... валялось что-то в машине... думал дамкрат, а оказалось - Beretta

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Ситуацию, случившуюся с "Воинами" вообще можно не вспоминать.

Еще раз:

It is illegal for a person to have a gun in the District if the person is a drug addict, has ever been convicted of a felony in the District or anywhere in the United States, has ever been convicted of a firearms charge or has ever been convicted of certain misdemeanor charges such as vagrancy.

Аринас ранее был признан виновным в хранении оружия в своей машине, что автоматически превращает его нынешний проступок в нарушение закона.

Изменено пользователем tanat-0s

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Аринас - террорист

Аринас нарушил закон.


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Ну вообще по идее карьере Аринаса хана, но мне интересно почему он до сих пор спокойно выходит на площадку в составе Визардс и почему ему не предъявили обвинение?

Изменено пользователем Sanchoys

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Все ж прекрасно понимают, что при желании это всё заминается руководством клуба и делу не дают ход, особенно, если у "потерпевшего" нет претензий, а Гилу грозят пальчиком и говорят: "А-на-на, не делай так больше, мы тебя на этот раз прикрыли, но впредь..!"

Думаю, максимум что будет - это какие-то дисциплинарные меры самой лиги, но никак не прокуратуры штата.

Изменено пользователем mahapashka

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Болелы Хьюстона, вы бы согласились на такой трейд: Батлер + Джеймисон за Тимака + (может быть пик или какой-нибудь недорогой игрок)?


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Я б на месте ГМ-а Рокетс за такой трейд еще б платочком долго вдогонку Тимаку махал и "спасибо!" кричал.


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Блин, на прошлой странице аж интересно было читать, люди зашли и мыслями интересными стали делиться,все по теме, а Вы тут начали опять флудить про Аринаса(( ну если не трудно, перенесите весь этот бред в ветку Вашиков, а тут уж давайте о Рокс говорить! а Аринас насколько я знаю относица к нам меньше чем Кэлвин Мёрфи

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Без обид, но тут говорл что Аризе там икаеца что его обсуждаеют но ему на это класть...а что тут вы про Гил развели?!)))

походу Танад гос. обвенитель, а Артем-его адвокат)))))

Вы бы еще про Делонт Вэста поговорили и его 3 ствола и нож...



Вот, такой если бы был трейд, я бы был только за, мне всю карьеру Джеймисон импнировал!!!я лично был бы рад его приходу больше чем Батлера...но есть одно НО!

Куда ж их всех девать, если позиции будут забиты то?Батлер,Антуан,Бадинджер,Ариза,Лэндри,Скола..

Впринципе тогда я бы был готов Аиризу отдать с Маком, но получить тогда ще Брендана и Блатше.

И кстати, как писали выше, тож согласен, что слава богу наш ГМ Мори, ато брать калеку Гила с его ногами и контрактом...


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Куда ж их всех девать, если позиции будут забиты то?Батлер,Антуан,Бадинджер,Ариза,Лэндри,Скола..

За лишних игроков выменять нормального ПГ и вперёд к победам

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Я б на месте ГМ-а Рокетс за такой трейд еще б платочком долго вдогонку Тимаку махал и "спасибо!" кричал.

Это ж только вопрос/предложение от Джона, а не вопрос от ГМа Вашиков))

Да, и слава Богу ты не на месте нашего Мори

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вон кстати уже Хьюз плачется о том, что на камье сидит..щас его нам будут пихать в наборе с Карри,Чендлером,Нейтом даже возможно..


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За лишних игроков выменять нормального ПГ и вперёд к победам

Чесно говоря, как уже говорил, никого видеть уходящим не хочу просто,кроме Аризы!

Лэндри просто любимчик, Скола-это чистейший проффесионализм и хард воркер,Бад очень заинтриговал, поэтому хочется его побольше заценить в игре..Да и Адель из них команду строит, уже привык к ним,дуэт СкоЛэндри точно не отдаст))

а менять Батлера или Антуана тут же дальше?!если в этом смысл?нужно ж знать какой есть на них спрос...


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вот еще статейка по возможным трейдам:

I thought I knew where Tracy McGrady was headed last week. I thought I had it figured out given the Rockets’ parameters. They seem to want most a potentially unexplored talent underutilized where he is. I am fairly confident from talking to some general managers that nothing much is going on yet regarding McGrady, whom the Rockets conceded last week they are prepared to trade as he left the team to return to Chicago to train.

My guess then was he would end up with the Washington Wizards for a package of players that included some expiring contacts to get the Rockets below the luxury tax and little used JaVale McGee, who has star potential.

Perhaps it’s still possible, though who knows anymore with last week’s gun incident with Gilbert Arenas (of course) and Javaris Crittenton. I’ve since heard the Wizards are on the verge of a deal that could be completed in the next day or so. I don’t know what it is, but it’s not the latest speculated deal involving Kirk Hinrich (happy 29th birthday already, Kirk on Saturday) and Jerome James for Caron Butler and Mike James. I’ve heard the Bulls have had some talks with the Wizards, but none involving Butler.


Trading block and T-Mac

-- Meanwhile, back to the trading block and McGrady. The Rockets believe they have a valuable asset and they might given teams that want to dump contracts to take a shot at the 2010 free agents or drop contracts to stabilize their bottom line given the league’s declining economics.

The Rockets, initially, have been telling teams they are looking for expiring contracts and a young player who projects as a possible top player in the future. It’s probably too much to ask as the Rockets presumably would have to take back some longer term contracts, if not as much as McGrady’s deal pays.

The thinking is the better deals will come closer to the Feb. 18 trading deadline as teams fall out of the race and look to save money and more teams might get involved.

Since McGrady has left the team to stay in shape, there’s no urgency to trade him since he won’t be a distraction.

Of course, I’ve received dozens of emails from Bulls fans about trading for McGrady. Though no one should think he’s THAT Tracy McGrady. Look, the Rockets want to trade him, but even they are saying after serious knee surgery a history of back problems and not playing for a year he’s nowhere near what he was.

"The thing people want to write about is who he was two years ago," coach Rick Adelman told the Houston Chronicle. "He isn't that right now. We have a whole team. It's not just about what he wants or what he was going to want. It was about what can he do to help us win. He's coming back from major surgery and rehabilitating, and who knows when he's going to get there? Right now, he wasn't there. The explosiveness definitely wasn't there. That's to be expected."

Yes, and this is the team that wants people to offer a lot for him.

So can the Bulls make a deal, which would be designed toward insuring they have enough salary cap space next summer to offer a maximum contract? They don’t now if everything stays the same and John Salmons doesn’t opt out of his contract, worth $5.8 million next season. And that’s not counting Tyrus Thomas.

Given what the Rockets are talking about, they’d likely take Thomas, Jerome James and Brad Miller, which would match salaries. But what would that do to the Bulls’ competitiveness? If you were considering a deal for Tyrus, you might if it involved someone like Chris Bosh or David West. But to get back just more cap space for the chance to get a free agent but no guarantee could kill this season and then whatever appeal the franchise might have.

And then there’s that Houston roster issue of being at 15. The problem with dealing for McGrady, given the Bulls limited roster in trying to get below the salary cap, is you’d lose productive players. And then even if you have the money for a maximum deal, your record might be so bad you’d have trouble getting a free agent interested. Plus, now the Bulls seem to have a decent chance if players remain healthy to make a solid move in the East. Isn’t it more important to have that kind of winning momentum? How attracted could big free agents be to a losing team?

It seems unlikely given their criterion and the likelihood of better offers the Rockets would take Brad Miller and John Salmons or Miller and Kirk Hinrich. Hinrich likely has too many years left for them and after investing in Trevor Ariza would have little use for Salmons, especially the way they play as a fast breaking team. I don’t see a deal with the Bulls.

So what else makes sense?

I wonder about the Jazz as they could maybe get the Rockets to take Andrei Kirilenko and throw in Carlos Boozer. Though that doesn’t fit the Rockets’ desires for now.

The Jazz seem at a crossroads barely in the playoff race in the west after a Saturday home loss to Denver without Carmelo Anthony and Chauncey Billups. They are well into the luxury tax with a team going nowhere.

Chief executive Greg Miller paused for a substantial period after the Saturday Denver loss when asked by a Salt Lake Tribune reporter about breaking up the team. Said Miller: “I haven't lost faith in these guys yet."

Boozer has an expiring deal and seems playing for his numbers now. The Jazz just traded Eric Maynor to save money and I’d guess you could get Mehmet Okur if you were interested.

New York is always mentioned because they don’t have the money for two free agents without getting rid of Eddy Curry or Jared Jeffries. The Knicks’ plan has been to get enough money for two guys so you can tell one to bring his best friend along. LeBron and Wade? The Knicks maybe get it done with Houston by including Wilson Chandler with Cutino Mobley’s insurance paid expiring deal. Yes, that contract limit of 15 again is an issue.

The Clippers have been mentioned as a LeBron James longshot and they have Marcus Camby’s expiring deal and some young talents.

How about the Nets and Yi Jianlian? The Rockets expect Yao back next season, and the Nets are another looking to find room for two free agents. They’ve got the expiring deals, though probably not enough big ones to make it work.

Would the Rockets take someone like Elton Brand from the 76ers? They hint no. The Hornets have given the most hints of dumping salaries and could make a deal with David West and Peja Stojakovic if Houston would take Peja’s deal.

The Kings have been mentioned because of Kevin Martin’s deal and the team doing well in his absence. I’d guess the Rockets would love to have that shooter, but the Kings seem intent on trying him out first when he gets back from injury. But perhaps if Houston also took the deal of Andres Nocioni.

Maybe the Suns in putting together enough to resign Amar’e Stoudemire give up Jason Richardson, though Houston seems not to want to take on long term contracts. At least not yet.

And there’s Miami, not only with a matching deal of Jermaine O’Neal’s, but perhaps more. Maybe if Houston were to take some salary, like James Jones and maybe Miami throws in Michael Beasley if that would enable the Heat to bring in two free agents. Miami looks in decline now and about to wear out Dwyane Wade to the point even South Beach may not look so comfortable Again, you’ve got to balance that Houston roster.

It won’t be easy, but it should be interesting.


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Думаю, максимум что будет - это какие-то дисциплинарные меры самой лиги, но никак не прокуратуры штата.

You lie to us, you hurt our feelings. You lie to them, it's perjury.

Изменено пользователем tanat-0s

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блин, позорно просто просрыть было такой матч(((

все было на нашей стороне,кроме площадки ж..

и Газоль не играл, и Артест тока вернулся, и Коби играет уже давно со своим пальцем,у нас же + Бад вернулся и были ж в игре, но всеравно слили,а такой ведь шанс был((

Нас так скоро мишки обгонят)) а сегодня еще и бэк ту бэк с финиками..


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Ну и чудо-пробежку не стоит забывать. Там арбитры особенные. То заступ 200 %-ый не увидят, то это... Но, если мы ни разу не вели в счете, то и винить некого. Просто констатация устоявшегося факта.


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