
"Хьюстон Рокетс": Межсезонье 2010

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SLAM: You and I were talking a little about this last year. Who do you think the toughest matchup in the League for you is?

KP: Oh, man. It’s got to be Yao Ming, because he’s so tall, big, strong and he can score, he can shoot, he got touch, and everything.

SLAM: How do you defend a dude like that?

KP: You can’t. You just got to hope he’s gonna miss. Try to weigh him down a little bit, that’s all basically you can do.

Изменено пользователем Артем Панченко

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Rockets guard Kevin Martin has worked very hard and had a tremendous offseason, according to personal coach David Thorpe.

Martin has shot the ball very well and Thorpe attributed his play to improved health.

"There were two issues," Thorpe said. "Basically in his last full season in Sacramento, he was attacking basket and was tackled by Anthony Randolph. He landed incredibly awkwardly on his ankle. When he was rehabbing the ankle for a sprain, which should have been a 10-day issue, he found out he had severely bruised the ankle. He was not rehabbing that correctly, impacting his athleticism. He was in pain when he returned and kept re-aggravating it and re-aggravating it. He was up all night in pain some nights.

"That summer, it was really hard to get him back to being athletic. I don't think he had another dunk that season. He was in tremendous pain. Then last year, Allen Iverson undercut him, I believe unintentionally, and he broke his wrist and shot poorly because of the broken wrist.

"This is the first time since November, '08 he has been 100 percent physically (with the ankle) and the wrist feels great.

"I'd love to say it is all from the hard work. He worked hard, but the biggest thing is he is totally healthy and back to being a really, really athletic player. He looked like a 21-year-old the way he was running and jumping and sprinting. The results were phenomenal. He never shot like this. He never had a better summer shooting the ball than this summer. I'm more hopeful than I ever have been before about him shooting the 3.

"He wants to be an all star, wants to be one of best shooting guards in the league. He knows he has things to improve. He knows he has to stay healthy. He's not afraid of the challenge."

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День Кевина Мартина продолжается

One way or another, Kevin Martin pledges to be unrecognizable.

Having heard the speculation that the Rockets would be interested in acquiring Carmelo Anthony and knowing such a deal might have to include him, Martin made an offer to at least look the part.

"If Houston wants Carmelo that bad," Martin said, "on Halloween, if I'm still here, I'll dress up as Carmelo."

Martin said that even without the Anthony get-up, he will bear only a vague resemblance to the player who finished last season with the Rockets.

"I'll be very different," Martin said. "I'll be back to my pre-wrist-injury form. I'm feeling better, more like I was before the injury. That was the main goal, to get back there. My goal when I got traded was to fit in with a great group of guys, not try to be that person that came in here thinking he was going to take every shot. That fitting-in phase is definitely over. Now I'm ready to get back to being myself.

"Nobody has seen the real me yet. I'm ready to take off."

Martin was the Rockets' leading scorer, averaging 21.3 points, in his 24 games following the trade-deadline deal that sent Carl Landry to Sacramento and Tracy McGrady to New York. He had missed 32 games with the Kings because of a hairline fracture in his left wrist, then struggled when he returned.

He also missed five games with the Rockets because of a left shoulder sprain and was inconsistent down the stretch, going from a three-point night in his first game back to a 39-point outing in his return to Sacramento.

Up for the challenge

After a long offseason spent training with longtime personal coach David Thorpe, Martin not only is fully recovered from the wrist injury and a left ankle sprain/bruise that occurred early in the 2008-09 season and still hindered him last season, he also put in more work in the weight room and tweaked his shooting form.

"He worked hard, but the biggest thing is he is totally healthy and back to being a really, really athletic player," Thorpe said. "He looked like a 21-year-old the way he was running and jumping and sprinting. The results were phenomenal. He never shot like this. He never had a better summer shooting the ball than this summer. I'm more hopeful than I ever have been before about him shooting the 3.

"He wants to be an All-Star, wants to be one of the best shooting guards in the league. He knows he has things to improve. He knows he has to stay healthy. He's not afraid of the challenge."

Surprises in store

More than that, Martin said he and the Rockets will surprise people.

"I'm very confident in the makeup of our team now to do damage in the playoffs, not just get there," Martin said. "I've never been more motivated than this summer, with Yao coming back and a new team. We're primed to take off."

Still, the rumors persist, to the point that Rockets general manager Daryl Morey told Martin he is not looking to deal him.

"We talked in general about the future," Morey said. "For sure, we're certainly not looking to trade anybody on the team right now.

"We feel like we have a very good team, and we're very excited about it. It's just the reality of my job that when any top player becomes available, I have to look at it. But … I really worry that players take something negative from that. I would like to avoid that."

Martin does not seem to mind.

"That's just part of the business, especially with somebody like (Anthony)," Martin said. "Of course my name is going to come up with his name. You look at that as a compliment. You stop looking at it as a compliment when they're talking about trading you for a second-round pick in 2016."


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Чем я больше в последние время думал о Мело, тем больше я приходил к мысли что не хочу его видеть в Рокетс.

Для того что-бы это понять можно задать один вопрос, неужели кто-то всерьез думает что он приведет команду к чемпионству? Мартин думаю заслуживает шанса, тем более ему есть что доказывать.


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а че молчите, хьюстон интересуется фесенко.

The Rockets also are in talks with Utah Jazz restricted free agent center Kyrylo Fesenko, though the Jazz are expected to match the sort of salary-cap exception offer the Rockets could make.

Fesenko, 23, averaged 2.6 points and 1.8 rebounds in 8.3 minutes per game last season, the third in the NBA for the native of Ukraine.


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не знаю куда нам еще большие с Демпиром уже 7 .


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Здесь все куда проще. Если Дампир (вернее, когда) примет предложение "Майами", тогда мы дадим какие-то деньги Фесенко, вряд ли большие, а вы их заматчите (как было с Лэндри и "Шарлотт) и на том и закончат, а мы будем играть теми, кто есть.


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А по поводу Дампира, считаю, что он нам не нужен. Раз такое говно еще раздумывает - значит он не горит желанием, что в его случае еще сильнее ухудшает положение вещей. Пусть идет в церковный хор поет. Там ему и место.


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Яо кстати не играет бек-ту-беки (по-любому) и возможно будет выходить играть только во второй половине игр вообще.


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Интересно будет посмотреть схему использования Яо, но думаю стартовать он все таки будет.


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мне лично нравится вариант, при котором Яо выходит на стартовые шесть минут, а затем сидит до большого перерыва и начинает вторую половину в привычном ранее режиме. Вопрос лишь в том, готов ли он выдержать и что делать с ритмом. Для Ти-Мака в "Никс" это было главной проблемой.

Изменено пользователем Артем Панченко

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Первый вопрос снят с повестки дня. Будем играть в ап-темпо:

"We're going to try to be the same as far as running the ball," Adelman said. "Without knowing Yao's situation or when he will be ready, we will play our style and fit him in gradually. Offensively, we will try to take advantage of having a lot of guys that can score and get to the open court.

"We want to pick up where we left off as far as pushing the ball. We want to get to the open court. We have a really solid, deep team at almost every position. We can play a lot of people. I don't think we'll play anybody 40 minutes. We want to keep that (up-tempo)


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Защита без Яо дала о себе знать: мы лучшая команда по чарджам по итогам прошлого сезона (252), опередили "Милуоки" на 30 штук, а "Портленд" сразу на 59

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