
Houston Rockets. Season 10|11

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Все с просто отличнейшей победой над ПТБ, еще и на выезде, что мало ожидаемо вообще против них, учитывая сложности в матч апах против них!! Даже не ожидал такой уверенной победы, она кстати пятая к ряду и мы наконец то вышли на 50% в таблице.

Не понятно несколько вещей-что такого случилось с Хиллом, что он вообще вылетел с ротации, его опережает старый и медленно-мертвый Миллер и еще и Пат-Пат... Ну второй хоть новечек, ему тож время надо.. Просто его получается и не поменяли в дэдлайн, но и времени не дают. Другой вопрос, почему Терренсу и Табиту не дают ничего или совсем крохи? А так же, кто наш второй ПГ?? Ибо Лаури сдохнет так играть по 40 минут напостой и будет мертвый.. По Драгичу не понятно как то, Терренс тоже мало на этой позиции бегает, так шо ж там у Рика в голове?!


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еще Жиль писал что Рик славится своим консерватизмом в составе. если попал в ротацию то считай на века. шанс дает всем. не все его импользуют. а Лаури никогда не сдохнет он и по 50 минут будет бегать хоть бы хны.


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спасибо вам за победу....

нам в тему...


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не поможет. у вас винс мертвый а такие в ПО не нужны.


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Ну прямо консерватизм, скажешь тоже, сколько уже было написано того их заокеанскими писаками, что он изменился, стал у нас делать то, чего раньше так за ним не наблюдалось, вспомни какие их реакции в статьях были когда он молодым Лэндри и Бруксу начал давать играть, и потом пошло-поехало, еще достойный пример Чейз и тот же Хилл, задроченый бэнчами Никс..

По поводу Лаури, он хоть и пирожок жирный, но все же не робот, и когда силы будут на иходе, явно упадет продуктивность и статы, возрастут потери, а кто бэк ап на этой позиции, как уже говорил, так и не понятно.


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У Табита гарантированный контракт на следующий сезон на 5,13М, дальше опция команды на 6,47М, потому как идут дела думаю Хьюстон её подбирать не станет и либо обменяет его как истекающий контракт в следующем сезоне, либо будет обсуждать новый контакт с понижением жалования.

Вообще Ракетам желательно за эти полтора года хоть как то возбудить кого то из молодых, а то пока они не выглядят как "молодые и перспективные" в рамках трейд пакета - тот же набор Никс из Мозгова, Чендлера, Галлинари и Филдза был с виду гораздо привлекательнее. А может впечатление обманчиво и никто просто не хочет менять игроков на запад.

Изменено пользователем SloNick

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ну дак он и дал шанс лэндри и бруксу (хотя там кандидатуры были очевидны) они показали что способны на подвиг, кажется потом Брукс не просек фишку - Лоури за время его травмы сделал команду лучше, и чтобы вернуться обратно в старт к Рику надо было малость попахать. я к чему говорю что блатных кажется у него не бывает. вышел Хилл затупил вышет патрик выглядел получше. теперь Хилл сосет пока Патрик не споткнется.


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Доусон в пятницу берется за африканское дитя.

Будет работать над атакой, хотя ему лучше ножки ставить сначала, потом подбор, а уж затем и арсенал оффенсив мувов.


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А по результатам нужно успокоиться. Это скорее вего второй фулс голд после декабрьского.

Нужно перестать строить какие-то планы и пытаться выиграть каждую следующую, как "Сперс"


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Jeff Van Gundy:



Marc and John, how is it going?


Doing great, how are you guys?


Rockets state of the union - your thoughts?


I think what happened, when you have so much quality of depth, its hard to define roles. When you eliminate 2 guys --Battier who I love, and Brooks-- it gives more responsibility to the guys who are left. I think the Rockets have achieved to a very high level for their size and injuries. Anybody who is down on this year's Rockets isnt watching. You get good effort, Rick has them playing at a high level on O, I couldnt be more impressed.


Let me start right there. This is a team in transition. They're playing hard but it's a if does Rick want to go through this again? Can you put yourself in his shoes and moving forward what it might mean for him?


Rick is a HOF coach. He certainly got many good years left but is on the back 9 of coaching career. Really it's an individual thing. Some coaches at this point in their career want a ready made team for a championship and others dont mind the building or rebuilding process. I would say this: if not him, I dont know if...he's such a good coach, I'm not sure you have a better option elsewhere. I think it's impairitive going forward that they try to re-sign him.


What do you think ultimately happens with Yao? Do you see a team taking a chance on him?


Yeah, tough question. Rockets in a tough position. No one could've been more loyal to a player than they've been to Yao and Yao back to them. He gave everything he could, unfortunately for him, his legs didnt cooperate. Do they go forward with him, if they do, he stays here I think. I also think if they move on, which you couldnt blame them for, he'll have options but money will be limited. He has to go to place where he doesnt have to be the main guy. For instance, I could see him in Orlando as a backup to Howard or w/ Howard for some minutes. A situation like that where he has less responsibility.


Question about Derrick Rose--what I've seen--it's remarkable. He is on the cusp of something good in my view. There is something there that people cant fathom.


Talking to my former assistant Thibodeau, the thing he goes back to is, the athleticism and skill level is obvious and intangibles get lost in the mix. He's hard working, and all about team. All teams try to pawn that off about their guys but as we know thats a lie many times. This guy is the real deal. Because of that, he can focus on what he needs to do. This guy, you could make the case, he is the MVP. To me, with injuries to Noah and Boozer, if not for Rose playing at a super high level, not only would they dropped in the standings, they wouldnt make the playoffs. He is that important to them.


What about the Heat and Mike Bibby. And a little on the Knicks.


Surprised the Heat went for Bibby. Like I said about the Rockets earlier, sometimes you can have too many people of the same talent level, Bibby is a good shooter but struggles on D. Not sure...Chalmers is better right now than he is. Arroyo who they released for him, is as every good as he is in their respective careers. Got Mike MIller and Eddie House too. It's not having as many pieces as you can gather, its pieces that fit together like the Celtics. Surprised by the Bibby pickup. ... The Knicks made a great trade. Everything they traded for him is replaceable in the next few years. Guys like Carmelo are difficult to next to impossible to acquire. The Rockets have been trying to acquire a guy like him, and they have pieces, draft picks, Daryl has done a great job positioning them but there are so few guys out there that they havent been able to acquire one. The Knicks did. I think if Anthony and Stoudemire commit to D and rebounding consistently, they'll be good. Will they commit to doing those hard things? I dont know. They were stuck being a .500 team with the roster they had. They took a gamble but I think it was the right gamble to get in the 50 win category.


Wanted to ask you about Pro-Vision. Can you share some thoughts on it?


It's March 31st from 3:30 to 5:30 at St. Thomas University. It's a fundraiser for Pro-Vision academy --a charter school for boys in the Sunny Side community. Its for the most underserved young men not only in that community, but all throughout Houston. Roynell Young, who was a DB with the Eagles, founded it and still runs it today. He is the best educator I've ever seen. The work he and his staff put in is incredible. There is always a gap though between money from the state and the money you need to educate these kids. This is what it's for. Dick Vitale and Jay Bilas are going to speak. People can get tickets --tables or individual tickets--by going to A link right there for his final 4 preview. Should be a heck of a day. Certainly benefits kids in need and a school that's worthy of this community's support.


How big of a temptation is it to get back into coaching? Latest thoughts on this?


It does. I would be kidding myself if I said I dont miss the competition or commodary that you can only get being part of a team. Marc you probably have this feeling for the Texans when you broadcast their games--you do feel apart of it because you're part of the one team. When you do it like I'm doing it, bouncing around and doing different games, you want to do a good job but it's not like you're invested in one group or team. I miss that incredibly yet I have 2 daughters--pray for me--one in HS and one in Kindergarden so...the one in HS, you have to be careful when you move and stuff like that so that's what has given me pause from jumping right back in. Hopefully I'll have the right timing and right place one day. I do miss it yet realize how lucky I am to have the job I have right now.


What if the right situation was a college opportunity. Would that appeal to you or no?


I went to see Rice vs Tulsa last night. I cannot imagine for the life of me recruiting. I just cant see it. I see what these guys go through and the scrutiny. There is abuse all over the place w/ those regulations. If you follow the rules, you are way behind unless you have an elite program. I dont think that would be for me. I love watching college basketball and the enthusiasm of the fans but coaching at the college level is a tough tough job. Recruiting is never ending.


I'll recruit for you Jeff.


I always said I know how to recruit --get a booster and get a lot of money.


Break down the postseason as of today. How will it fall?


I think it will come down in East to Celtics and Heat. Whoever has homecourt is the likely favorite. I see the Celtics being able to win in Miami in game 7 more than I can see Miami being able to win in Boston in a game 7. I'll take Celtics even though I've been the biggest Heat supporter. In the West, I love how SA has played. Dallas - people have slept on them. Downturn for them was Butler going out and when Dirk was out they were 2-7. Other than that, they've played outstanding basketball. In the end, the Lakers size up front, they have the best frontcourt in basketball, I think they'll get it together. It wont be easy. They might have to win on the road to win the West. I'm not sure the way Artest has played this year and the way the PGs played this year, that they'll be able to do it. But every time you doubt them, Kobe and that size come through. In the Finals, I'm taking the team from the East, whoever that is.


What's next on ABC?


I'm in SA Sunday for LA-SA. It has lost some luster with Parker being out, but still should be a good game. Today I'm going to that geek conference for all the number crunchers in Boston. That MIT. That's Daryl's conference --shouldnt have called him a geek. It's his conference. Got a lot of good people up there. A bunch of people talking about big minded type of topics. Not sure why I'm included in that.


I was gonna ask(laughing).


Daryl must of ??? dunderhead to be up there so they can make fun of someone.


Have fun up there. ... Thanks for joining us.


Anytime guys. Take care.


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Вот эта значительно круче по-моему

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Второй номер драфта все таки как никак..


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Брукс тем временем имеет линию 55.5 - 45.5 - 87.5 в "Финиксе"

Ну не твою же мать, а?

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Изменено пользователем MarcuS

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и что? ты прям так про него рассказываешь, будто он делает 30+10...))

Ну попал он пару раз нормально, до этого мазал, потом опять будет хуже, и снова лучше, что тут такого, чтобы так расстраиваться? Я понимаю Кавс жалко-они Брона потеряли))


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