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Все публикации пользователя Noumenon

  1. Новая фентези))

    Создал лигу, через полчаса жалающие могут зайти и сыграть те самые 5 раундов
  2. Новая фентези))

    Есть предложение сыграть блицтурнир. Для этого надо всем собраться, создать отдельную лигу и прогнать раундов 5. Адреналиново мне кажется.
  3. Сейчас посмотрел, что оказывается упомянул о них уже на 1-й странице этой темы)
  4. Новая фентези))

    Уже со 2-й попытки привёз лидеру 9 баллов
  5. Весьма приятно увидеть фэнов Олги&Co в этом месте
  6. NBA Finals.Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics.

    Учитывая что парень с поля почти не уходит, статистика слегка в стиле К.О.)
  7. NBA Finals.Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics.

    Rondo made a move on Bynum and Jeff Van Gundy called it out. He said Bynum got Dragic'd.
  8. НБА. Самые свежие новости

    Дифенсив специалисты в роли тренера далеко не всегда хороши
  9. Толковые статьи о любимой игре

    Довольно длинный текст на английском с basketbawful, но он того стоит "The tears of Steve Nash: And there you have it: Watching this -- what probably should have been a private moment -- hurt me more than anything else, even more than seeing a team I hate beat a team I love. Nash finished with 21 points on 8-for-11 shooting to go along with 5 defensive rebounds -- 3 more than Stoudemire! -- and 9 assists (with only 2 turnovers). Once again, he gave his all. Once again, it wasn't enough. He is still the person who has appeared in the most playoff games in NBA history without making the NBA Finals. Ignorant, petty people will continue to use this as a slight against him, even now, after a season in which he led the Suns much, much farther than anybody thought he could...perhaps farther than they ever should have gotten. I mean, really, who thought the Suns could replace Shaq with Channing Frye and lean so heavily on guys like Jared Dudley, Goran Dragic and Louis Amundson and still come within a crazy offensive rebound by Ron Artest from maybe taking this series. Don't laugh. It could have happened. But it didn't. Early in the season, there was a great post on ESPN's Daily Dime that dissected Nash's decision to re-sign with the Suns rather than chase a championship elsewhere. His response to questions was that, for him, the journey is more important than the destination. That the chance to lead and teach young players is more important than chasing around a championship. Someone related this to Kobe and his response was "**** that. Better him than me." No, really. That's what he said. Because chasing a championship is the only thing that matters to Kobe. This might lead you to think that a title means nothing to Nash. Well, those tears say differently. It matters. Nash has sacrificed an awful lot. I always bring up the fact that he plays -- and in fact has played well enough to take his place among history's great point guards -- despite a chronic, incurable back ailment. He's had teeth knocked out, his face mangled on multiple occasions, and yet he never complains, goes out, gives his all, plays great against whatever odds...with relatively little fanfare. (I say "relatively" because, if Kobe or LeBron broke and reset their nose mid-game, minstrels would be singing about it for the next hundred years.) There are people who are going to dis and mock him because he's never won a championship, never made the Finals. Those people are ignorant. How far do you suppose Kobe would have made with this year's Suns team? Do you think he would have inspired guys like Frye, Dudley and Amundson, or do you think he would have threatened and intimidated him, maybe even demanded a trade? Would LeBron have led this squad to a title? Heck, even Nash's talented teams had flaws. Bad coaching (D'Antoni not trusting his bench comes to mind). Teammates who looked a helluva lot better alongside Nash than they do on their own (look at what guys like Shawn Marion, Joe Johnson, Quentin Richardson have "accomplished" on their own, and that's what Amar''''''e is in store for if and when he leaves Phoenix). Remember back when the Lakers pushed the Suns to seven games in 2006 and everybody was freaking out about how Kobe led a squad of scrubs against this amazingly talented Suns team that featured a starting lineup of Nash, Marion, Raja Bell, Boris Diaw and James Jones? When STATUE wasn't even playing and Tim Thomas was one of their most important bench players? How that those players have migrated elsewhere and we've gotten additional evidence, tell me again how "talented" that team was. Go on. Tell me. Nash turns **** into salsa...but will probably forever be the whipping boy of people who can't see beyond titles even though those are team and organizational accomplishments. But whatever. Am I disappointed the Suns lost? Yep. Am I bitter? Nope. A year ago, I might have been. But, like Nash says, the journey is more important than the destination. Heck, the dude is even teaching me."
  10. Видео коллекция

    Для меня первые просмотры игр на РТР с этими рекламами ассоциируются, возможно кто-то помнит. Незабываемый сезон 92-93)
  11. Видео коллекция

    Ещё по 7ТВ (уже ностальгия) в своё время показывали Милуоки-Лейкерс 72-го года с Джабаром и Чемберленом. Прерванная серия из 33 побед ЛАЛ.
  12. Футбол

    Говорил уже вроде, за исполнителей хакки
  13. NBA Finals.Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics.

    Намазать самому Брайанту это не помешало. Итого как минимум 2 матча ниже уровня. С нами была только пара условно средних и абсолютное доминирование а-ля Майкл, когда только развести руками можно было.
  14. NBA Finals.Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics.

    Так Данкан выиграл серию 2-я была в полном порядке?
  15. NBA Finals.Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics.

    Чепуха то, что серию отдали?)
  16. NBA Finals.Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics.

    Проигранная серия, в которой он не был даже главным действующим лицом?)
  17. Перебор, при всём уважении к Гранту. Часто по понятным причинам был бесполезен на бэк-ту-бэках и не всегда попадал в ритм матча (взять хотя бы последний)
  18. NBA Finals.Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics.

    Ничего подобного по качеству у него ещё не было

    Замечательный сезон, но достаточно предсказуемый. Хотелось чуда в виде финала - чуда не произошло. Межсезонье будет волнующим.
  20. NBA Finals.Los Angeles Lakers-Boston Celtics.

    Пирс и Брайант провели лучшие серии в карьере, вопрос кто ярче блеснёт в финале И да, BEAT LA, разумеется
  21. Я не вижу причин по которым даже при отсутствии пиков мы не зажали бы Бостон. 2 не способных попасть с дистанции игрока - это слишком много против нас. Эффорт Мэджик удручал, сомневаюсь что наши ветераны такое себе позволили бы. При всей самоотдаче Селтикс не покидает ощущение некторой академичности их действий. Мы этого по большому счёту и ждём.