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Аринас - это тот который стоит. И у него еще 2 пушки в карманах

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Изменено пользователем Gouli@sh

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скоро из-за угла выбежет Делонте Уест, с Шотганом и двумя беретами.


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гилл не того замочить хотел...


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Не,ну это што показатель на наличие опилок?!))

Или ты думаешь он сам этот стэйтмент написал и аж бегом побежал к прокурорам?))

Он нанял серьезных адвокатов пока не поздно и они его щас направляют в нужное русло..

О, и кстати, кто знает што слышло по Дэлонтэ и его приключениям?!ато сначало тож буря была, а патом как то замяли и щас ваще тишина))


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Вот все вы так, скептики. А вдруг он сам вот сел и написал.

Что называется "чистосердечно". Уже поздно вечером, практически перед сном, за роскошным темным дубовым столом, при свете лампы..

- Ги-и-и-лл! Ты идешь спать?

- Сейчас-сейчас, милая, только допишу пару строк..


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Вот все вы так, скептики. А вдруг он сам вот сел и написал.

Что называется "чистосердечно". Уже поздно вечером, практически перед сном, за роскошным темным дубовым столом, при свете лампы..

- Ги-и-и-лл! Ты идешь спать?

- Сейчас-сейчас, милая, только допишу пару строк..

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Arenas couldn't have picked a better lawyer to handle his growing p.r. disaster over his alleged gun show inside the Wizards' locker room shortly before Christmas. Wainstein used to be the U.S. Attorney for D.C. If there's anybody who can handle a high-profile case and navigate the various investigations that have popped up in the last few days, it's Wainstein.

In 2001, Ken was appointed Director of the Executive office for U.S. Attorneys, where he provided oversight and support to the 94 U.S. Attorneys’ offices. The next year, Ken joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation to serve first as General Counsel and then as Chief of Staff to Director Robert S. Mueller. At the FBI, Ken was involved in a myriad of sensitive national security and criminal enforcement matters, as well as a variety of civil litigation, managerial, and Congressional oversight issues. In 2004, he was appointed, and later confirmed as, U.S. Attorney in Washington, DC, where he oversaw the investigation and prosecution of high-profile white-collar and public corruption cases, including the case against Riggs Bank for Bank Secrecy Act violations and the prosecution of the MZM Chief Executive Officer for paying bribes to former Congressman Randall “Duke” Cunningham.

In 2008, Ken was named President Bush’s Homeland Security Advisor, with a portfolio covering the coordination of the nation’s counterterrorism, homeland security, infrastructure protection, and disaster response and recovery efforts. In that position, Ken advised the President, convened and chaired meetings of the Cabinet Officers on the Homeland Security Council, and oversaw the inter-agency coordination process for our homeland security and counterterrorism programs.

Шансы Аринаса вылезти сухим из воды внезапно возросли в несколько раз. Бывший прокурор округа, советник президента по государственной безопасности и т.д. и т.п.


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Яо Мин станет отцом

Жена 29-летнего центрового «Хьюстона» Яо Мина баскетболистка женской сборной Китая Йе Ли ждет ребенка. По оценкам врачей, прибавление в семье произойдет в июле, но пара еще не решила, где это случится, сообщает

Рост жены 229-сантиметрового игрока составляет 190 сантиметров, и 29 тысяч человек, отвечавших на вопрос о росте ребенка, предположили, что он будет не ниже 205-ти, в то время как около 13 тысяч респондентов уверены, что выше 220-ти сантиметров.

В данный момент Яо Мин продолжает курс восстановления после травмы ноги.

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вот это другое дело....Яо молодец....


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вот это другое дело....Яо молодец....

у него была уйма времени на это

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и будет уйма......пока здоров пусть семью поднимает....

Изменено пользователем BUGAY

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Аринас по сравнению с этим-вообще ангел))

Williams suffers minor injuries in crash

New York City police said former NBA player Jayson Williams is expected to face drunken driving charges after his SUV struck a tree in Manhattan.

Williams suffered minor injuries after the SUV he was in veered off an exit ramp and struck a tree early Tuesday morning.

Williams was in the passenger seat when officers arrived and told them someone else had been driving. But witnesses told police they saw him in the driver's seat, and officers said no one else was in the car.

The black Mercedes-Benz SUV was exiting FDR Drive at East 20th Street in Manhattan when it veered off the curved exit, authorities said.

The New York Police Department said it appeared Williams may have been drinking before the 3:15 a.m. ET crash. Williams was taken to Bellevue Hospital, where he refused a breath test, authorities said.

The name of his attorney was not immediately on record. Last month, lawyers in New Jersey asked to be removed from his defense against a reckless manslaughter charge stemming from a 2002 shooting.

Williams retired from the New Jersey Nets in 2000 after a decade in the NBA, unable to overcome a broken leg suffered a year earlier when he collided on court with teammate Stephon Marbury.

At the time, he was in the second year of a six-year, $86 million contract.

He was suspended from his job as an NBA analyst for NBC after the shooting.

Williams is scheduled to be retried on the reckless manslaughter count that produced a deadlocked jury in 2004.

Witnesses testified that Williams had been drinking and was showing off a shotgun in his bedroom in February 2002 when he snapped the weapon shut and it fired one shot that struck a hired driver, Costas Christofi, in the chest. They also testified that Williams initially placed the gun in the dead man's hands and instructed those present to lie about what happened.

The defense maintained the shooting was an accident and that Williams panicked afterward.

The jury deadlocked on the reckless manslaughter count, acquitted Williams of aggravated manslaughter and convicted him of covering up the shooting. He was never sentenced for the cover-up counts, pending the outcome of the retrial, and has remained free on bail.

Williams suffered a series of further setbacks last year. His wife filed for divorce, and police used a stun gun on him in a New York hotel after a female friend said he was acting suicidal.

He was charged with assault in May after allegedly punching a man in the face outside a North Carolina bar, but charges were dropped.

In November, Williams' father, E.J., with whom he owned a construction business, died in South Carolina.


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