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ну опять же, мне кажется при составе таком, может быть каким нить боком Джамала Кроуфорда?


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Adrian Wojnarowski @WojYahooNBA 1 min Reply Retweet Favorite · Open

Eric Gordon isn't included in a revised Clippers-New Orleans deal for Chris Paul, league source tells Y! Sports.


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теперь он вроде остался.

пойду я спать, проснусь, а уже всё известно и вы страниц 5 испишите )


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О! Точно" кроу остался еще...А вот сейчас им Рип бы пригодился очень...

Отмена) здорово они там всех будоражат!


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Во время лета ЛеБрона мы так агрессивно не херячили в этой теме, вообще психоз


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там новости размеренно поступали, а тут все в неделю уместится)

ведь неделя на подписание свободных агентов?


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Source insists LAC offering Gordon, Kaman, Aminu & Minny's pick for CP. LAC dont want Gordon's name reported in deal in case it don't happen


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Adrian Wojnarowski @WojYahooNBA 1 min Reply Retweet Favorite · Open

Eric Gordon isn't included in a revised Clippers-New Orleans deal for Chris Paul, league source tells Y! Sports.

Еще пишут, что он включен. Но об этом специально умалчивают, чтобы в случае нового вето на трейд, ситуация

Одома не повторилась и с Гордоном.


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работает гм лак...охх работает....

пол если будет в лак то они станут главной командой лос анжелеса а не лал...

пол гриффин мо джордан и ко должны решать...правда если двайт не переедет в лал

Пожалуйта, авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть image

/emoticons/default_laugh.gif" alt="ГЫ">....как они тогда поделят запад?

я еще про Батлера забыл...хотя я бы на месте лак особо на него не расчитывал..могут оказаться с дырой на сф...гомес это смешно (


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Мемфис и Оклахома помогут им разобраться в этом вопросе


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А Кан-то каков, ждет разрешения на то, чтобы взять Бонзи, дабы тот показал Бизли, что может быть с талантливым игроком, который исполняет херню за пределами площадки

У Кана есть мозг. Уау. Im shocked

Рик кстати очень доволен Рубио, отмечает, что вопросы с его скоростью на новом уровне вряд ли стоит рассматривать как проблему, очень ему нравится, что Рикки невероятно активен и агрессивен в защите, старается постоянно перехватывать, на мяче и без него. Но, Адель говорит, что ему нужно все-таки пыл поумерить, судьи не простят его с всеми этими попытками выхватить мяч. Ну, а про передачу его и разгон темпа он даже говорить не стал, типа итак ясно


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когда у нас первая игра пресизона

яху не грузится что-то


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когда у нас первая игра пресизона

яху не грузится что-то



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пресизон можно будет посмотреть...потом перехожу на нсаа и нхл....


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Отличный текст сегодня в Orlando Sentinel, прекрасно отражает общее отношение к ситуации большинства болельшиков Орландо. Грустно.

What happened to the Dwight Howard we once knew?

What happened to you, Dwight Howard?

Where have you gone?

Where is that God-fearing, fun-loving teenager who came to Orlando and said he would not only win championships here, he would elevate the city, make us forget Shaq and do his best to convert as many NBA players as possible to Christianity?

Instead, you are poised to leave Orlando with zero championships. And we are not elevated but devastated as one of the most economically depressed cities in the country. And your Christian values seem to have faded and been replaced by your quest to become a movie star, a superhero, a walking, talking sneaker endorsement .

You were going to make us forget Shaq; instead you are making us relive him. We thought you would be unique; we thought maybe just maybe you would be a different type of superstar. Instead, it seems, you are just like LeBron and all the rest. Just another self-absorbed NBA player who has been tainted by fame and a quest not for basketball greatness but for even more Twitter followers and global icon status.

“Agents, shoe companies, and his advisers have turned him into someone else,” accurately wrote one Magic fan on Saturday, the depressing day in which the Magic informed Orlando that Dwight has requested a trade.

You used to be humble and accommodating and good-natured. Now, you are brooding, aloof and full of yourself. You used to smile and laugh on the court. Now you frown and whine.

And you think you should be an even bigger deal than you already are. You think you’ve outgrown Orlando. You listen to your sycophants and hangers-on more than you listen to your coach and your GM.

What happened to you, Dwight?

Where have you gone?

Don’t you realize you can be bigger here than you can ever be anywhere else? If you go to L.A. and win championships, you’re just another hired gun; another rent-a-superstar the Lakers have pillaged from another team to help them win their umpteenth title. And if you go to New York and play for the Nets, you are on the fifth- or sixth-most popular team in town behind the Yankees, Giants, Jets, Mets, Knicks and Rangers.

But if you stay here and win a championship, you own this town forever and ever. Hell, if you stay here and don’t win a championship, you own this town forever and ever.

Why not dare to be different, Dwight?

Why do you have to be like LeBron and Shaq?

Why do you have to cut and run to go join other stars somewhere else? The truly great ones stay where they’re at and have other stars come join them.

And, another thing, why do you have to leave us holding the bag (and the debt) on a brand new $500 million arena we built for you? In tough economic times, the fans and the city put their faith in you, Dwight. They thought you were serious about “loving the City of Orlando” and “bringing a championship to Orlando.” Even though the money wasn’t in the coffers, we built the arena anyway because we trusted and believed in you. Why do you think we nicknamed the new arena “The Dwight House”? Now, when you leave, we might as well call it “The Blight House.”

What happened to you, Dwight?

Where have you gone?

Don’t you know you’ll be much more universally admired and respected if you stay and win a championship here? And in today’s digitially and electronicaly compressed world, you can be a global icon right here, too.

You set an NBA record last year with more than 3 million All-Star votes right here. You were MVP runnerup last season right here. You have national endorsements with Gatorade, Adidas, McDonald’s, T-Mobile and Call of Duty (video game) right here. You’ve made movies right here. You’ve been on Leno and Letterman right here. You’ve got 2.5 million Twitter followers right here. You’ve been NBA Defensive Player of the year three straight times right here.

And you know what else? You can win championships right here, too.

All you have to do is announce that you’re staying in Orlando and other superstars will come and join you. Fans always blame GM Otis Smith for not going out and getting you another superstar. I don’t. I blame you, Dwight, more than Otis. Why haven’t you actively gone out and recruited another superstar? Dwyane Wade recruited LeBron to Miami. During the lockout, Carmelo Anthony went on Twitter and tried to recruit other stars to come join him with the Knicks.

What about you, Dwight? You’re on Twitter all the time and I don’t remember you once tweeting a request for Chris Paul or Deron Williams to come join you in Orlando. Why, Dwight? Why is that? The fact is no other superstar was going to come to Orlando until you committed Orlando. And that just never happened.

I know, I know, Dwight, it’s your life and you have a right to do with it what you want. And it may sound like I’m angry, but I’m not.

I’m just sad.

Very sad.

And I’ve gotten tons of e-mail in the last couple of days from loyal Magic fans who are sad, too. They’re sad because they poured their hearts and their wallets into you, thinking that maybe you were different.

Wrote one fan: “This is about loyalty and a sense of responsibility. In an age when short sales and bankruptcy bail people out of their own foolish mistakes, it would be good to see someone with the backbone to stay with the task at hand and not turn and run because of the adversity. I guess that is probably too much to ask of a modern NBA superstar.”

I guess so.

I guess so.

What happened to you, Dwight?

Where have you gone?


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