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Сиксерс возьмет Айверсона обратно за 3 канистры бензина.76-го....

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А Рубио-ещё та потаскуха.....


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А почему бы и нет... если Миллер уйдет.

Конечно там тогда не будет ни одного настоящего разыгрывающего, но зато у Айвера будет старт

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Да и come-back так сказать... деньги, билеты, продажи

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...конфликт с владельцем команды

шансы, что Стефански вернет Айверсона стремятся к нулю


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Сиксерс без ПГ совсем... Зато если Бренд и Смит восстановятся у них полный набор больших:

Сэм, Спец, Бренд, Смит, твинер Янг.


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"Сиксерс" без плей-офф, если что-то сейчас не придумают. В случае, если никого не подпишут - их просто проглотят на Востоке. Шансы "Детройта" на плей-офф рааааастуууут

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У Филы всё в порядке с составом, но тот стиль игры который приносил им успех последние 2 года с этим набором невозможен. Придется учиться играть с Брендом, а PG они еще возьмут, похоже Уотсон таки к ним поедет.


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The Mavericks lost to Sacramento in the first round of the 2004 playoffs. But as June's draft loomed, Nelson testified that he had no reason to believe he wouldn't continue to lead that process, noting that he had selected standout Josh Howard with the 29th pick of the previous year's draft.

On draft day, the Mavericks acquired the No. 5 pick from Washington. Nelson testified that as he settled into the draft room to talk to team scouts, he was surprised to hear son Donnie, the team's vice president of operations, discuss taking "this big Russian" with the No. 5 pick.

The player's name is redacted from the arbitration transcript, but it is clear that Nelson was referring to 7-foot-5 Pavel Podkolzin.

"I said, 'Donnie, I cannot take that Russian five,' " Don Nelson testified. "And he asked me if I would go in the men's room. I went in the men's room with him, and he informed me that I wasn't in charge of the draft.

"And I said, 'Oh, really? Well, who is?' He said, 'I am.' And I said, 'Well, it's nice of somebody to tell me.'

"And I said, 'Well, if that's the case, then as your father I'm asking you don't draft Pavel Podkolzin.' ... And Donnie didn't. He took Devin Harris."

Later in that draft, the Mavericks sent a future first-round pick to Utah for the rights to No. 21 pick Podkolzin – who never played a regular-season game for Dallas.


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Lamar Odom is leaning strongly toward accepting the Miami Heat’s contract offer and leaving the Los Angeles Lakers, multiple sources with knowledge of the talks said.

Odom has not reached a final decision, the sources said, but there is growing belief he will ultimately return to the Heat unless the Lakers improve their current offer.

“It’s close, but it’s not done,” said one source.

Lakers officials and Odom’s representatives resumed talking after a weeklong standoff that began when Jerry Buss, the team’s owner, withdrew a four-year, $36 million offer that guaranteed $30 million. Sources close to Odom said that while the two sides have since talked, Buss is now offering less than the Lakers’ previous proposal.

Odom could sign a five-year, $34 million with the Heat or take a four-year contract that would give him the option to become a free agent in three seasons and seek a more lucrative deal. He also would not have to pay state income tax in Florida.

Odom, who will turn 30 on Nov. 6, played for the Heat during the 2003-04 season – the only season in his 10-year career that he didn’t spend in Los Angeles – and has maintained a good relationship with Dwyane Wade(notes).


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Симпатично. От желтых уйдет Ламар. Альтернатива? Гуден уже уплыл в Техас (еще бы, 5 лямов получить и не согласиться!). Остались только Уоррик и малыш Гленни, которого заклюют в Бостоне в случае, если он перейдет в "Лейкерс". Там Гарнетт опять до слёз доведет и еще по заднице отлупит

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Изменено пользователем Артем Панченко

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Из контендеров кроме орл видимо еще и лал потеряют игрока


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Есть у меня такое предчувствие, что Купчак и здесь выйдет сухим из воды. А так, ну не верю я, что Одом уйдёт в Майми за жалкие неполные семь лямов... Вообще, если будет S&T, то даже забрав Хаслема(если Бизли - Купчак гений!), всё выглядит достаточно хорошо. При должном прогрессе Байнума и отсутствии серньёзных травм, нам даже САСы не страшны.


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Я не знаю нюансов налоговой системы Соединенных штатов, но вроде в Калифорнии более жесткие налоговые рамки по сравнению со Флоридой. Поэтому предложения команд по сути не имеют такой финансовой разницы как видится на первый взгляд.

Изменено пользователем mario

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Да Марио,там 50 или 55 процентов


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And you can tell Rolling Stone magazine that my last words were ... "I'm on drugs!"

To the Lakers' fans. If you think your boys improved by swapping Trevor Ariza (a 24-year-old who came into his own this past spring, shot 45 percent from 3-point land, came through repeatedly in the clutch, turned into the NBA's single best defensive swingman and doesn't care about his numbers) for Ron Artest (an unreliable 29-year-old head case/attention hog who slipped noticeably as a perimeter defender these past two seasons and has a knack for taking terrible shots at the worst possible times), then absolutely, you're on drugs. I don't know what else to tell you. Your team is worse. I'm sorry. And that's before we get into the whole "Is Lamar Odom coming back?" and "Do you really want to commit to an aging Artest for FIVE years?" questions.

Some of the stuff that happens is good for a few people to know about, as opposed to, say ... a million people.

To Artest. Here's a classic case of someone hoodwinking the American public with a 10-year pattern of bizarre behavior that eventually immunized them to all future crazy Ron Artest stories and anecdotes, such as the fact that he's wearing No. 37 to honor Michael Jackson because it's the same number of weeks that "Thriller" led the charts (um, what?), or his recent revelation that he had been pining to play for the Lakers for two solid years. Artest told reporters that he wandered into the Lakers' locker room to express that desire to a showering Kobe Bryant -- right after L.A.'s bitter Game 6 thrashing in Boston in the 2008 Finals, no less -- adding, "Yeah, I walked in the shower. I'm not a homosexual or nothing like that, but Kobe had no clothes on."

These anecdotes just bounce off people now. Artest is a benevolent crazy. Or so we think. Being around this nuttiness every day is a little different from merely hearing about the nuttiness in secondhand anecdotes. I know for a fact he routinely broke plays on offense and is still a handful behind the scenes, and the Rockets buried every 2008-09 story that would have made this patently clear. For instance, Artest routinely walked around in his underwear in public places: the Rockets' team bus, hotels, you name it. People around the team barely flinched after a while. Before Game 7 of the Lakers series -- only the biggest game of the entire season -- they finally flinched.

Here's what happened: Artest missed the first two team buses (the ones for players, coaches and team personnel) from Houston's hotel to the Staples Center and barely made the third and final bus, which was reserved for business staff, sponsors and friends of the team. These stunned people watched Artest sprint to the bus right before it left, jump on and take one of the remaining seats ... yes, wearing only his underwear. Owner Leslie Alexander happened to be sitting on the bus and witnessed the whole thing. And you wonder why the Houston Rockets didn't make any effort whatsoever to bring back Artest.

(Note: If you want to make the "Kobe and Phil can keep him in check much like MJ and Phil kept Rodman in check" argument, just remember Rodman was still a world-class defender and rebounder when Chicago acquired him. Artest is neither. If anything, his athleticism is slipping and he can't defend quick small forwards anymore. So why even risk it? Wait, why am I complaining? Thank you for screwing up your title defense, Lakers!)


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Всю эту дрянь и многое другое читайте в новой книге Билла Симмонса под названием "записки хейтера". Там также вы можете найти следующие интересные материалы:

Рики Рубио - презерватив. Специально для отдельных слоев населения.

Эффект Джея Уильямса. Или все-таки через 7 лет я оказался прав.

Орландо - пшик. Не верьте, что они сильная команда.

Трэвор Ариза - наместник Господа. История величайшего свингмена, который будучи ролевым игроком заслужил звание чемпиона. Единственного в своем роде, ёпт.

Кливленд - чемпион чемпионов. ЛеБрон - игрок игроков. Шак - центровой центровых.

Интересно. А в материале что-то сказано про любимого Шака и обстановку в "Финиксе"? Не думаю...


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