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Изменено пользователем Derek

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Грешно с блаженным спорить, я пас

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обделался, и обзывается леприкатор

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Уникальный чудак ты, совершенно уникальный, пиши ещё, всегда рад твоим постам

Блин, так не хотелось бы, чтобы "звезда" Джермейн гайку срубил

Я не думаю что приход Джо, Шака и Веста делает Бостон хоть сколько то сильнее на фоне более молодых команд контендеров. Халявы там не будет никакой.


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Дерек, соберись.

Шаком сейчас вряд ли кого-то испугаешь. Он ужасен в атаке, плох в обороне, слабо подбирает (сейчас атлетичный большой, вроде Ховарда или Гортата будет иметь значительно больше шансов на то, чтобы забрать у него подборя в атаке, чем у всех больших "Бостона", даже у Гарнетта с дитём), вдобавок ко всему он в зале летом не сидит и сейчас опять будут проблемы с кондишном, еще большим лишним весом и т.д. и т.п. И я даже не поднимаю вопрос характера. На первых порах я вообще был готов поставить денег на то, что его вейванут по ходу сезона за поведение, но сейчас чуть-чуть прохладнее стал

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/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset=" 2x" width="20" height="20"> Там все очень-очень стремно.


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Шаком никто никого и не пугает, сам соберись. Хотя он и доминантный центровой, только на 15-20 минут а не на 30-35 как раньше

”I am very excited. Adding a player like Shaq is a major plus and it fills a void for our team. He’s a real nice piece of the puzzle and he will complement us in where we want to go this coming season.” Doc Rivers

Изменено пользователем Derek

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так все говорят когда подписывают когото...дежурные фразы


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Империя наносит ответный удар:

Van Gundy, who worked in Miami with Riley for 12 seasons from 1995-2006, fired back on Saturday at the many inconsistencies in Riley’s behavior and criticisms through the years.``I thought it was pretty typical. I was kind of amused by it, especially reading down through the interview,’’ Van Gundy said. ``He goes into Charles Barkley, me and Otis and then says he doesn’t worry about what people say. Wait, you called the press conference, you went off and everybody and you don’t care what people say? Clearly, he cares a great deal about what people say. I was laughing when I saw that.’

Van Gundy wasn’t laughing when he read that Riley ripped him and Smith for questioning why James and Bosh would rather team together with Dwyane Wade in Miami rather than trying to win a championship on their own. Riley said the comment was ``an absolutely stupid remark,’’ but several former great players such as Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Barkley reaffirmed that they would have never jumped ship on their teams simply as a way to chase a championship. ``Pat’s thing calling Otis’ remarks stupid, I don’t think they were any different than what several ex-players who played when Otis did had to say. They looked at the game differently back then and backed up what we said,’’ Van Gundy said. ``The position LeBron and Bosh took isn’t necessarily wrong, but it’s different from what (Michael) Jordan, Magic (Johnson) and Larry Bird would have done. Otis was a part of that generation – he wasn’t at that level – but that’s the way those players looked at (James and Bosh going to Miami). Those (former players) wouldn’t have tried to team up. So what Otis said wasn’t a stupid remark. Unless of course you have a different opinion than Pat, then apparently it’s stupid.

The part of Riley’s remarks that especially infuriated Van Gundy was when he accused the Magic’s coach of passing moral judgments on other players. Van Gundy admitted that he was ``out of line’’ for saying that Bosh was ``following Wade around like a lapdog’’ in early July. But he was bothered by Riley’s accusations because he saw firsthand how Riley personally attacked Van Gundy’s brother, former New York coach Jeff Van Gundy, during the 1990s and the Knicks-Heat playoffs series. ``Whether it’s appropriate to do it or not (to pass judgments) is another issue, but if it’s OK for Pat to do it he shouldn’t be judging other people,’’ Van Gundy said. ``Pat was upset that he and his guys have gotten some criticism and he’s sensitive and the funniest part of the whole thing is him saying he doesn’t worry about what people say. My question is then, `Why did you go and call your own press conference?’

`Pat getting onto people for making moral judgments made me laugh,’’ Van Gundy continued. ``I was with Pat when we had all of those Knicks series and he had no problem making moral judgments on my brother. What I read into that was that I guess Pat is the only one allowed to make those moral judgments and the rest of us can’t do that. I guess we didn’t realize that Pat’s the only allowed to do that.


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Артест выехал в город на гоночном болиде и был остановлен охреневшими полицейскими

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When the Miami Heat walked out on a smoke-filled stage in South Florida, preening, declaring themselves perhaps the greatest threesome since the Father, Son and Holy Ghost...

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Father, Son and Holy Shit

Изменено пользователем Noumenon

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Похоже, пришло время создать голосовалку: Чей обсер принесет вам больше радости: "Майами" или "Лейкерс"?

Победителя, как ни странно, угадать довольно-таки сложно

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Просто я Боша недолюбливаю

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Продолжая топик "Майами". греки говорят, что мы и "Хит" проявляли/проявляют интерес к Теодосичу, но до оффера дело не доходит из-за того, что все уверены, что сейчас он не уедет. Да и у "Оли" там опция на двухлетний контракт.

Да и там не дураки, отпускать его никто не захочет, тем более сменив тренера на ...


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