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- Андрюха, ты чо ростом такой маленький стал?

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Но штука в том, что проблем в раздевалке у нас стало ПОЛНО

И в центре этих проблем - капитан команды Степа Джексон.


-JACKSON: It doesn’t feel good to me that, ever since I’ve been here, I know I had a big part of getting this organization back to a winning attitude. If not the biggest part.

And every year I’ve lost somebody that I felt helped me get to that, with Baron, Jason, Al. It felt like I’m next. You know what I mean? It feels like we’re not getting better.

It’s not respect to the guys on the team. I love all the guys on the team. I’m not saying that the job couldn’t get done with them.

But at the same time, I came into this game a winner and I want to continue to be a winner. There’s a lot of guys that play the game of basketball for the money, for the fame. I always wanted to win and I respect the game.

But I want to win. I came into this game a winner and I want to continue to win. I’m never going to settle for losing. I’m always going to be upset or pissed off until I start winning.

-Q: Can you see where people would wonder how you can sign a three-year deal a year ago and then want out now?

-JACKSON: That’s the business… Even though I signed my extension, that doesn’t mean things can’t happen. I mean, Shaq got traded. Michael Jordan went to another team. You know, things can happen.

I’m not even comparing myself to those guys. But anything can happen. At the same time, I’m not in control of that…

-Q: You signed your extension after Baron and Al were gone, do you feel like you were committing yourself to this team at that point?

-JACKSON: Well, who’s going to turn down that money? It’s only right. I’m not stupid. I mean, I didn’t go to college but I’ve got a lot of common sense. I’m not going to turn down that money.

I’m 31 years old now. My contract will be up when I’m 35. So that was a good position for me. I’ve got to look out for myself before anybody else does. I think it was the right decision for me and my family.

I’m definitely appreciative of it. But at the same time, I’ve got to look out for myself, because nobody else will

-Q: If this team had acquired Amare Stoudemire, would that have made things different for you?

-JACKSON: That’d been a big difference, and everybody knows that. Having an All-Star on the team, a guy that we can count on to get points in the paint, that would’ve been big for us. That’s not disrespecting anybody on the team, but I mean, let’s look at his stats and what he has done.

-Q: At a pretty critical position…

-JACKSON: And after knee surgery, after big-time knee surgery, he still came back and made the All-Star Game.

It is what it is. We didn’t make the move, OK, so be it. I would’ve been happier with it, but who’s trying to keep me happy?

-Q: You’ve spent a lot of time with Monta in the off-season…

-JACKSON: A lot of time.

-Q: Where is his head right now?

-JACKSON: I think he still has the attitude where he wants to prove a lot of people wrong. I think he ended the season off on a good note, playing well, and I think Monta is coming into this season with a chip on his shoulder and I think he should. Because he worked his butt off this summer and a lot of people are still counting him out from the ankle thing.

I’m excited for him because I know how hard he’s worked. I’ve been with him all summer. He’s got a son now. So he’s totally on a different level in terms of intelligence and mind-frame. I can’t wait ‘til he shows it on the court.

-Q: Do you think Monta’s frustrated with the Warriors organization, too?

-JACKSON: I can’t really speak for him. I mean, we have our talks, but that’s not for us to talk about. At the same time, I think Monta, he’s approaching it just like I am. We still have the best jobs in the world so we’ve got to step up and be humble about it.

Изменено пользователем tanat-0s

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Вопрос с составом решился сам собой после очередной травмы плеча у Райта. Рэндольф - стартовый ПФ, Маггете - запасной. Степан большую часть времени проводит на СФ.


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Интервью Стёпы Каваками.... это очень нечистое дело... Означает, что парень согласен кооперироваться с кем попало чтобы толкать команду к обмену.

Стартера Райта не видел никто. Райт - 15 минут и всё.

А сейчас вот будет Майки Мур третьим в том ряду.

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Кори ЖЕ будет играть свои 25 или даже 30 минут в каждой игре, и называть его позицию можно как угодно smile.gif Он играет СЕБЯ

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