
Детройт. Межсезонье 2010.

72 сообщения в этой теме

Я год назад еще был уверен что он достоен. Один хотя бы из чемпионского состава 2004 должен висеть на рафтерах. Тут или Беня или Чонси..


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Подписали Байнума за 10 лямов на три года, отлично.

Уайта вроде тоже хотят подписать, только видно не будет ему места совсем. Вероятно, как Шарп проведет сезон в Д-лиге и сплавится в конце сезона куда-нибудь.


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Вернулся из отпуска - сразу существенные новости.

Илитч похоже покупает Пистонс и оставляет клуб в Детройте. Это не может не радовать, другие перспективы были убийственны.

Ти-Мак подписан на один год на 1.3 млн. Хорошая сделка для клуба, клуб поимеет денег с нулевым риском. Когда уже увидим трейд Рипа-Тау?


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Hey all,

It’s official, I am a Piston. I’m excited to be a part of the Detroit Pistons. This is a great opportunity for me and my family. I’ve worked hard over these last few years rehabbing from my knee surgery and am looking forward to this coming season and being a part of this great team. It will be an honor to play in a Pistons uniform and play in the Palace. Throughout my career, I have enjoyed playing in that arena and now I will represent the great city of Detroit. What an honor. I am looking forward to working with Coach John Kuester and his talented coaching staff. My teammates are great players and I am looking forward to getting on the court and playing hard with them. We all have one goal and that is to bring a championship back to this great city. I will do everything in my power to help this team reach that goal. I feel good, healthy and ready to go. Get ready Motown, it’s going to be an exciting season.



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Великая новость для "Тройта": МакГрэйди больше не будет открывать хавальник и уведомил публику, что его игра в этом сезоне ответит на все вопросы. Если не балаболит - хороший знак.


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опять единичка.. дежавю все больше..)

вот не могу никого кроме Чонса в этой майке представить..


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Красиво. Прямая дорога на СДК в этом году.


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Такие смешные, все с телефонами стоят ))


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Говорят, что Том Горес близок к покупке клуба. Кто такой, чем занимается? Пишут, что на 147 месте в США по количеству бабосов

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/emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset=" 2x" width="20" height="20">


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McGrady spoke with WDFN and says the Pistons have a great coaching staff, led by John Koostis.

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/emoticons/default_laugh.gif" alt="ГЫ">


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Just wanted to give you all an update on my life. I have been working hard all summer to get ready for the upcoming season an am thankful that I landed in Detroit. I’m doing my workouts with my trainer Ben, and I am now able to finish full workouts that I wasn’t able to do for the past two years. I do feel tremendously healthy, prepared, and ready for the season. I’ve been out to Detroit every week for the last month and have been working with the Piston’s training staff. They have been fantastic and we all believe I am ready to go. Training camp starts at the end of the month and I am really looking forward to getting out there on the court with my new teammates.

It’s been a long road since my surgery and I am so grateful that all of you have continued to support me. I am ready for the next step and am looking forward to competing out there with my teammates. Detroit is a great city and I am excited to be there. My wife and I just got back from vacation and now I am fully rested and my head is all about the game. Thanks again for all your support.

Catch you soon!



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Rodney Stuckey declared in a recent interview that "on paper we [the Pistons] are the best team in the league."

"We are deep and athletic," said Stuckey, who has slimmed down this summer. "All we have to do is play to our abilities." There probably isn't anyone not on the Pistons payroll who would agree -- don't be shocked if the NBA drug tests him in the near future.


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The Pistons have been in contact with representatives of free agent center Earl Barron, league sources have confirmed to RealGM.

Barron is currently in negotiations with several teams.

In seven games with the Knicks towards the end of the 09-10 season, Barron averaged 11.7 points and 11.0 rebounds per game.

Любит Джо пытаться всяких нонэймов в люди выбивать..

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