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Жаль, что Каман уже не в Клипперах) Интересно, как бы он принял нового товарища)


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Крепким рукопожатием, я думаю. Как минимум.


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думаю после приобретения Реджи Лак строгий контендер. Очень интересно будет на всё это глянуть.


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Клуб "Синьцзян", подписавший в конце сентября рекордный для китайского баскетбола контракт на сумму 2,65 миллиона долларов с форвардом Кеньоном Мартином, не собирается отпускать американца в НБА, информирует Yahoo! Sports. Напомним, по указу местной федерации баскетбола командам разрешалось подписывать соглашения в период локаута только со свободными агентами. Кроме того, баскетболисты были обязаны отработать контракты до конца, несмотря на окончание локаута.

По всей видимости, "Синьцзян" выйдет в плей-офф чемпионата Китая, и экс-игрок "Денвера" сможет приехать в США не ранее февраля, то есть уже после окончания дедлайна, после которого коллективам запрещается вести какие-либо переговоры с игроками. Этот прецедент теперь осложнит возвращение в США Джей Ар Смита, Аарона Брукса и Уилсона Чендлера, которые также выступают за команды из Поднебесной. Ранее сообщалось, что игрокам будет разрешено покинуть китайские клубы за компенсацию в размере 500 000 долларов.


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Я сегодня не видел матч Майами, но решил посмотреть топ-10 сегодняшнего дня. Вот это шоутайм там был! Прямо СДК вов ремя матча регулярки!


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даллас всерьез решил защитить титул

Greg Ostertag hasn't played basketball in quite some time, but the former starting center for the Utah Jazz has now officially took the first step toward his NBA comeback. The 38-year-old signed with the NBA Development League last week and was claimed by the Texas Legends, D-Legaue affiliate of the Dallas Mavericks, on Tuesday


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тайм-сплит с Хэйвудом получится. зря я его выбирал в фэнтази

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У Казинса там очередной приступ приключился после матча с Нью-Йорком. Парень с головой не в ладах совсем, трейда ему захотелось...


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Вот находки ребят с


Sonics Lift Suspension After Payton Apologizes To Westphal

The Press Box.November 23, 2000|By Mark Shapiro.

Hours after suspending All-Star guard Gary Payton on Wednesday for at least one game for arguing with coach Paul Westphal, the Seattle SuperSonics lifted the sanction, saying Payton had apologized.

Payton played in Wednesday night's game in San Antonio.

"I made the call," Westphal said before tipoff. "The reason for the suspension was to make things better."

The two met for an hour and a half and "things got better," Westphal said. "There's no reason for the suspension anymore."

Earlier in the day, team President Wally Walker said in a statement that Payton's suspension was "for conduct detrimental to the team."

Payton had to be restrained after confronting Westphal during a timeout in the fourth quarter Tuesday night in Dallas.

Конец Вести с Сиэттле

aul Westphal was fired today as the coach of the struggling Seattle SuperSonics after disagreements with some of his star players.

The SuperSonics were expected to be a power this season with the acquisition of Patrick Ewing, but the team is only 6-9. The dismissal comes only days after an on-court shouting match between Westphal and guard Gary Payton during a game in Dallas.

Nate McMillan, an assistant coach, was named the interim head coach. McMillan, a former Seattle guard, will coach his first game Tuesday night at Portland.

Westphal, in his third year with the team, is the first National Basketball Association coach to be fired this season. He was in the final year of his contract.

''The Sonics are a much better team than their current record,'' Barry Ackerley, the team owner, said. ''We are committed to helping this team achieve its true potential this year as the Sonics have some of the best talent in the N.B.A. Paul Westphal is a good person and a fine coach. But we felt that a change was necessary to help the Sonics achieve their goals for the season.''

Ackerley said Wally Walker, the team president and general manager, made the decision to fire Westphal.

''They have been great people for whom to work,'' Westphal said. ''I would also like to thank Wally Walker, my staff and the players who gave it their all.''

On Nov. 6, after a game with Orlando, Payton, Vin Baker and Ewing reportedly shouted at some teammates about their poor effort.

Some players questioned Westphal's ability. Westphal, who was in an office, reportedly came into the locker room and said he would step down as coach if that was what the team wanted. The dispute came just four days into the season.

Walker said Westphal was frustrated by his team's bickering and insubordination.Payton reportedly told Westphal in the huddle during the Mavericks game that he did not care ''about this game anymore. You all can suspend me for the rest of my career.''

The next day, Walker announced he was suspending Payton for at least one game ''for conduct detrimental to the team.'' Hours later, Walker lifted the suspension, saying Payton had apologized.

Westphal has also had differences with Baker, Payton's teammate on the Olympic team. The coach criticized Baker for being overweight and out of shape last season and, in the off-season, was part of an effort to trade Baker to the Knicks in a four-team deal.

1996 год

No coach in Phoenix Suns history has been as successful as Paul Westphal. He had the fourth-best winning percentage in NBA history.

But few Suns coaches have had as short a tenure as Westphal. Tuesday, just barely into his fourth season as head coach, Westphal was fired for doing what he was asked--to create an environment in which a highly undisciplined player like Charles Barkley could coexist and then win with a team that never had a legitimate threat at center.

Which dashed Colangelo's attempts at a press conference Tuesday to say the Suns were not planning to trade Barkley.

Those didn't match Barkley's plans.

With the acquisition of Barkley in 1992, Westphal's first year as coach, Westphal was forced to run a somewhat loose operation since Barkley rarely practices or shows up for games on time.

And despite setbacks, like falling behind 2-0 in the opening round of the 1993 playoffs, the Suns made it to the Finals and then were upset by the eventual champion Houston Rockets the last two years after taking 2-0 leads in both series.

"I feel bad for Paul," said Bulls coach Phil Jackson. "He's one of the winningest coaches in the NBA (lifetime in percentage behind Pat Riley, Jackson and Billy Cunningham). It goes to show you how quickly things dissipate when things are not going well."

Not everyone was unhappy to see Westphal go.

"There's been a changing of the guard, no pun intended," Johnson said about former Suns All-Star guard Westphal, whose jersey number is retired by the team.

Johnson, who never quite accepted Barkley usurping his role on the team, also has felt betrayed by Westphal when Westphal used Elliott Perry for him. Team insiders said Colangelo had grown increasingly uneasy with Westphal's style--Ainge reportedly declined to join the coaching staff in the off-season because of philosophical differences with Westphal--and had to be persuaded twice by Fitzsimmons to remain patient.

1995 год

So owner Jerry Colangelo met with Westphal on Thursday, then issued this statement: "I don't think it's appropriate for everyone to camp out and wait for some ax to fall. We will concentrate on getting our team healthy and ready to get the job done."

But doing so will involve some changes, like practicing for a change, something the gimpy Barkley and Johnson haven't done for several years.

"One of our biggest problems," Westphal said, "is our two key guys haven't been able to practice. So they don't know what to expect from their teammates and their teammates don't know what to expect from them. We're going to put a lot of heat on the veterans."

Which, Westphal explained, means no practice, no play, and Finley being benched for A.C. Green.

Barkley already is unhappy.

"My first two years here we won 65 games a year (62 and 56) and we never practiced," Barkley noted. "It's typical NBA crud. Everybody becomes a rocket scientist when you lose. That's why I march to my own drum. I don't worry about this stuff. I hope they fire me, because I ain't retiring unless they pay me."

Johnson was more measured, but seemed to point at Westphal, known to run a loose ship: "I don't know if it's Paul's fault or not for not defining (the roles). Paul's philosophy more than anything is, `If it works, stay with it whether it's right or wrong.

"Whatever has worked before is not working now, so he's making adjustments."

That laissez-faire philosophy has been credited with motivating Barkley, but it kept Ainge from joining the staff as an assistant because he disagreed and always has been a sore point with Johnson. Now Westphal's fate rests on whether it can change.

Последнее выделенное я недавно слышал от некого Тайрика Эванса.

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все идет к тому что дни...а может часы уэстфолла в кингс сочтены....


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Никак не думал, что на фоне травмы Ману появится новость про отправку Гари Нила в Д-лигу


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я сам охренел..по другому не скажешь....


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