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Ну вот и славно, а вы говорили локаут. Жаль амнистии старых контрактов нет. Надеюсь, игроки станут гораздо более лояльными к своим клубам, пусть даже по финансовым соображениям. 


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Вот в самой справедливой фентази лиги на планете (ВБА) было правило. Если на драфте тебе не досталось свободного агента уровня топ-25, тебе положена компенсация.

Это я к тому, что на протяжении многих многих лет Даллас остаётся с носом на рынке свободных агентов. Хорошо бы нам компенсация какую-нибудь. Как вариант: на кэп давит только 75 % зарплаты Барнса. Если нельзя, то хотя бы направьте ДеАндре в Филадельфию 76ers (за Симмонса), а Парсонса - в Черемховский Шахтёр.


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Хз прикольное чтиво как по мне, просто нужно воспринимать несерьезно


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Пожалуй, лучшее мнение о состоянии дел в нынешней лиге. Очень понравилось.

On a larger coffee inspired avenue...... It seems like the entire league has been turned upside down with the CBA/TV deal and the disgusting lustful search for the next superstar(s) your team can over hype and market around. The narcissistic behavior of these players (well, society in general...) has inflated egos and self importance. The have formed a fraternity that no longer has built in animosity based on the jersey you wear. Fans are rivals, players aren't. The player/owner/agent relationship has been polluted with collusion and greed. TV money has made it easier for the NBA owner to survive... so they can be mediocre and still profit. It allows Owners to take bigger risks with whacked FA signings and even go all in tank mode. Sell the fans on drafting the next ? year after year. Christ.... we are already talking about drafting next year. There is so much hype and promise put on these 19-20 year olds....its the glitz and glam game now... flash equals cash. 

The true focus should be, IMO, is finding a high quality coach. But coaches dont SELL tickets... they dont SELL jerseys. Case in point, name the top 5 coaches.... unless you are a junked up NBA addict... its hard. Pops, Thibs, Stevens? .... um.... um.... Spolstra..... hmmmm Carlisle dare I say D'Ant? ..... heck if it wasn't for the revolving coach door here and our castoffs, I dont think I could name 10. 

However, I can't fault the players for grabbing as much dough as they can.... its these owners who are allowed to operate by putting a shabby team on the court year end and out. Is the talent pool so watered down now ? I can't remember the last time a team/owner was in jeopardy of losing the franchise due to bottom line difficulties. It seems no longer does attendance matter. Just keep selling the corporate seats. Attendance is not an important revenue source it once was (I make an assumption here thinking it once WAS) The owners look to be economically insulated from making bad decisions. And now we are soon to have sponsors on the jerseys??? Here Mr Owner, yet another source of revenue to offset your inability to field a good team. Who cares if your arena is 2/3's empty. They have built in profitability and virtually no risk at losing money. 

I may be thumping the 'old school', 'back in the day' gavel here , but the whole NBA equation has changed to a model that I find harder and harder to accept. Suck bad enough and eventually you will be better. Get three superstars together or you will lose the one you have. ugh. Take your family to the game for $400+ 


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получил большое удовольствие от прочтения статьи Blockbusters, Blunders, and So Many Sixers Second-Round Picks. A ranking of the past 10 NBA trade deadlines.

помимио приятных воспоминаний есть несколько весёлых фактов, о которых я ни разу не слышал.


But the biggest move may have been the one everyone thought would go down but didn’t. Dwight Howard, playing in the final season before he could opt out of his contract, had requested a trade from Orlando. The Magic, after much hand-wringing, had set up a deal to trade Howard to the Nets, where he would team up with Deron Williams. But, as then-teammate J.J. Redick told Adrian Wojnarowski in 2016, Howard changed his mind on the plane ride back from a game in San Antonio and opted into his final year. Howard later explained the decision by noting that the Magic provided him his favorite candies at the right moment. It really explains a lot about Dwight’s next six years. 

Правда, мои самые любимые дедлайны относятся к тому периоду, когда я ничего не понимал (2004, 2005) и происходящие обмены казались полнейшей дичью. Романтика!


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TheRigner вообще охуенный ресурс, Симмонс талантище. 


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Очень неплохая статья о перестройке Бостона на Слэмданке.

Изменено пользователем Oakland4Ever

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Мэтта Ворлд Пис/Рон Артест о том самом файтинге с Детройтом....

Интересно было почитать, скину ссылочку тем, кто еще не читал....



Изменено пользователем Oakland4Ever

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С учетом того, что спортс.ру в формате полезных статей практически полностью умер, предлагаю делиться крутыми телеграмм-каналами, где сейчас протекает все самое интересное. Для начала: - канал небезызвестного на этом форуме Артема Панченко


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