
НБА. Самые свежие новости

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значит есть какая-то инфа про сезон...

а вообще мало ли что человек говорить...уже не раз с этим сталкивался.


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Думаю только вера. Он еще перед локаутом сказал, что рассчитывает на своевременное начало сезона.


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а опция вернутся в НБА есть? када начнется сезон


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а смысл в контракте на 3 года?

или он думает, что есть вероятность локаута продолжительности дольше чем 3 сезона?!


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опция не заставляет его покидать цска. ему там денег могут и не дать


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When asked if he wants to be remembered as the greatest player of all-time, Bryant said it’s impossible for a player to hold that title.

”It’s not important to me,” Bryant said. ”It’s impossible. Even with [Michael] Jordan, some people say he’s not the best ever. Some say it’s Magic [Johnson] or Bill Russell. That’s not a goal worth shooting for. I just want to win as many as I can.”

As a follow up, he was asked specifically about surpassing Jordan’s achievements. Bryant said that he can’t compare to Jordan because of how much he’s learned from the legend over the years.

”Of course, I want to win as many as I can so, by that alone, I’m chasing him,” Bryant said. ”As long as I’m playing, I want to continue to win more. But it’s never been a direct competition between him and me though because he’s helped me a lot. He hates when I say it, but I’ll say it anyway: I call him and he calls me right back every time. We talk about things, that’s the kind of relationship we have. I’ve learned so much from him so we can’t have a debate about who is better. You know what I mean? He’s directly influenced me.”

While the Lakers have plenty of options in the post now, that wasn’t always the case. Before Gasol was donning purple and gold, Bryant had to play through one of the most frustrating years of his career in 2005. He averaged a career-high 35.4 points, but he didn’t have much help around him.

”I got to say, it was tough doing it that year. I was playing with guys – God bless them – but Kwame Brown, Smush Parker. By the way, what I say here, I say directly to them. I don’t talk behind people’s backs. The things that I say to you, I’m comfortable saying this to them and I’ve said this to them. But, like, the game before we traded for Pau, we’re playing Detroit and I had like 40 points towards the end of the game. This is back when Detroit had Rasheed [Wallace], Chauncey [billups] and those guys so we had no business being in the game. Down the stretch of the game, they put in a box-and-one so I’m surrounded by these players, Detroit players, and Kwame is under the basket all by himself. Literally, like all by himself. So I pass him the ball, he bobbled it and it goes out of bounds,” Bryant said, rolling his eyes and slamming his hat on the table.

”We go back to the timeout and I’m pissed, right?” Bryant continued. ”He goes, ‘Hey, I was wide open.’ ‘Yeah, I know.’ This is how I’m talking to him during the game. I said, ‘You’re going to be open again, Kwame, because Rasheed is just totally ignoring you.’ He said, ‘Well, if I’m open don’t throw it to me.’ I was like, ‘Huh?’ He said, ‘Don’t throw it to me.’ I said, ‘Why not?’ He said, ‘Well, I’m nervous. If I catch it and he fouls me, I won’t make the free throws.’ I said, ‘Hell no!’ I go to Phil [Jackson], I say, ‘Hey Phil, take him out of the game.’ He’s like, ‘Nah, let him figure it out.’ So, we lose the game, I go the locker room, I’m steaming. Steaming. I’m furious. Then, finally I get a call, they said, ‘You know what, we got something that’s happening with Pau.’ I was like, ‘Alright. Cool.’ The first game with Pau, we ran the pick-and-roll and I slipped him the ball. He catches it! I was like, ‘Yes!’ Then, he makes the shot! So, as I’m running back to the timeout, I’m screaming. I’m jumping on Pau’s back. It was like, ‘Oh, I have someone that can play.’ That’s what I had to deal with the whole year. And Smush, I’m not even going to get into that.

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Песец, "не давай мне мяч, когда я буду открыт"


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Исполнительный директор профсоюза игроков Билли Хантер выразил свое отношение к позиции владельцев клубов по поводу локаута и сделал пессимистичный прогноз по поводу его завершения.

«Думаю, мы возвращается к тому, что Дэвид Стерн сказал мне пару лет назад: «Послушай, это то, что должно быть у моих владельцев». А я ответил: «Единственный способ, которым вы можете это получить – закрыть лигу на год или на два». Сегодня я понял, что они хотят сделать именно так. Я убежден, что все, что он делает, говорит о том, что он готов следовать этому сценарию.

Мне кажется, для лиги глупо убивать сезон после того, как мы завершили лучший год в истории НБА. Не уверен, что в данной экономической конъюнктуре лига сможет возродиться после затяжного локаута. У нас заняло очень много времени восстановить позиции после локаута 98 года. Здесь потребуется еще больше времени», – цитирует Хантера АР.


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Ну так что, теперь владельцы Йорка, Лейкерса, Майами и Далласа еще и со своими коллегами конфликтовать начнут?


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The season’s in genuine jeopardy now because powerbrokers like Allen are uniting with nickel-and-dimers like Sarver in a common cause: How do I get out of NBA ownership with maximum profit, minimal pain? These are simply men gutting costs to eventually get the best price and sell those franchises. In his life, Allen has a history of disengaging people and things once he loses interest, and that appears to be happening now.

“The worst thing for the Blazers are not the injuries, but Paul losing interest,” said a league official connected to the organization. “And once he loses interest in anything, he doesn’t want to deal with it anymore. He can’t win anymore, so he’s going to literally take his ball and go home.”

This is the NBA left to Stern, the players and the fans: Owners like Allen, who are done with it. Over the league, over the love of owning teams. Those aren’t the overwhelming agendas in the room, but it’s a part now. Paul Allen’s made it a huge part.


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