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Господа, кто подскажет что с Дюрантом?


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Durant is listed as day-to-day because of a sprained right ankle, the Associated Press reports


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Премного благодарен, а то иностранные ресурсы не читаю...=)

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все несколько коварней

Durant is listed as day-to-day, but owners have to be concerned about this being a severe sprain. If it is he could miss several weeks, as opposed to a few games. We'll hopefully have an update on his status over the weekend


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Kevin Durant (sprained right ankle) was injured in the first quarter of Friday's overtime loss at Dallas. He had X-rays taken at the arena that came back negative.

перелома нет. это оч хорошо.

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Ты умеешь цитировать других, вырывая слова из контекста, это я уже понял. Свои мысли или хотя бы сформулированный вопрос будут?

Напомню, что первая цитата была в ответ на пример Слоника с Майком Джеймсом, который должен был продемонстрировать, что почти любой игрок в НБА может забивать больше 20 очков за сезон, будучи поставлен в благоприятные условия. Если бы ты потрудился почитать начало дискуссии, подобных вопросов у тебя бы не возникло.

Изменено пользователем tanat-0s

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Ну вот,как и ожидалось-Короли выкупили контракт Дрю Гудена, и говорят,что Шпоры на него главные притенденты..

Тоже самое произошло с ОКС и Джо Смитом, и он походу вернеца в Кавс.

Вот так вот 2 контендера неплохо усилятся,имхо.

Так же Нетс вэйвнули Стромайла Свифта.

While Danny Granger should return to the court soon, the news was not so good for Pacer forward Mike Dunleavy.

According to Conrad Brunner on, the Indiana Pacers will be without Dunleavy for the rest of the season because of knee problems. Dunleavy is also looking into surgical options to help fix the problem.

"He's not going to play for us the rest of the year," O'Brien said. "You can take that to the bank."

Dunleavy has met with a variety of doctors about surgical options for what he described as "a giant bone spur" in his right knee. He said he's been dealing with pain in the knee "for 10 years."

"It's not a matter of knowing what it is," Dunleavy said. "It's a matter of knowing how to fix it."

Meanwhile, according to Brunner, Granger is aiming to play during this week's three-game road trip.

и вот эта еще прикольная новость))

Saturday night's game between the Knicks and Heat was delayed for several minutes in the second quarter after New York complained about Jermaine O'Neal's knee brace.

Wilson Chandler, Jared Jeffries and Nate Robinson all complained about hurting themselves banging into the brace's hard plastic.

O'Neal removed the brace, and then returned with a sleeve over it in the second half.


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Гуден в САС, Смит в Клив, а Свифт в Денвер, и все усилятся)

А, и Адонал Фойл в ЛАЛ

Пожалуйта, авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть image

/emoticons/default_laugh.gif" alt="ГЫ">


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Гуден в САС, Смит в Клив, а Свифт в Денвер, и все усилятся)

А, и Адонал Фойл в ЛАЛ laugh.gif

Что позволит ГМам вышеуказанных команд обойти таки Эйнджа в гонке за титул лучшего менеджера года! Ура, товарищи!

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Nets Looking To Sign Head?

Having waived Stromile Swift on Sunday night, the Nets are expected to pursue free agent guard Luther Head.

The Rockets waived Head on Saturday.

Suns Looking To Sign Stromile Swift

The Suns are targeting Stromile Swift, who was waived by the Nets on Sunday night.

Swift missed six weeks of action with New Jersey to be with his ailing mother earlier this season, who passed away on Jan. 27.

Phoenix would give Swift playing time with Amare Stoudemire expected to miss the season with an eye injury.


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На спортс.ру:

Как сообщает TICKER, тяжелый форвард Дрю Гуден, который сегодня станет свободным агентом, достиг соглашения с «Сан-Антонио» о подписании контракта, сумма которого составит 1,5 миллиона долларов.


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Luther Head will sign with the Heat once he clears waivers on Wednesday morning, according to his agent.

The guard was courted by Dallas, New Jersey, Charlotte, Milwaukee and San Antonio, but picked Miami in hopes of more playing time.

гуден - это круто. я опять начинаю бояться, что антонио станут чемпионами в 9м году


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У Гудена вопросы со здоровьем еще остаються, но если сможет играть для САС это однозначное усиление.


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Ну а джо Смит взвесил все опции и договорился с Кавс.

так же:

Free agent big man Stromile Swift could join the Suns as soon as Wednesday night in Miami.

Agent Andy Miller claims that Swift "is going to be a Phoenix Sun at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later."

He is planning to be in Miami to take a physical and sign a pro-rated veteran's minimum contract with the Suns on Wednesday.

"Stromile is very comfortable with the opportunity that seems to be there," Miller said. "The on-court opportunity is there and Phoenix has made it clear it's there for him. It's an opportunistic system for him."

Oden To Miss More Time With Knee Injury

Blazers rookie center Greg Oden is expected to miss another seven to 10 days because of his lingering left knee issues.

Oden has missed the team's last seven games having chipped his knee cap on Feb. 12 against Golden State.

The new timeline means that Oden will miss Portland's next four to five games.

"I think he's going to need some time," coach Nate McMillan said Sunday before Oden's return was officially pushed back again. "We thought this thing would heal a little sooner and it's not healing as fast as we thought or that recovery is not as fast as we thought it would be. So it could be some more time before he's ready to go. As far as what I saw of him running the floor, I don't think he'll be coming back any time in the next few days."


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