PHOENIX SUNS, МЕЖСЕЗОНЬЕ 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013-2014

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Ну посмотрим, че. Может рыжий Боб поймет, что так дальше продолжать нельзя, как Кубан в свое время.


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Пятые мы, значит, многого от драфта ждать не стоит. Будем брать какого-нибудь сф типа Шабазза или ролловского проспекта, наверное, с учетом травмы Беннета. Оладипо, думаю, уйдет четвертым, да и не решение это для нас. Фигово.


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Санс нужно брать Шабазза, он с Бизли подружится точно

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карася надо брать

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The Suns have received permission from Houston to interview J.B. Bickerstaff for their head coach position, sources tell Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! Sports.

Bickerstaff has already interview for several other openings and has emerged as one of the hotter candidates in this summer's job market. The Suns also plan to interview Jeff Hornacek, Steve Clifford, Kelvin Sampson and Quin Snyder for the opening.

- Это Берни Бикерстафф, или тот из другой оперы?


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Сын его, ассистентом у МакХейла работает.


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Интересно. Как говорил, МакДонахью, ему нужн был тренер, вызывающий уважение у игроков. У Хорначека с этим проблем не должно быть. Хорошо, что до драфта определились с тренером. Остальные команды ждут Шоу, судя по всему )))


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Интересный вариант. Хотя, абсолютно темная лошадка


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темная...очень но ничего...как раз только прочел на рото про эту новость

джэфф играл у слоуна много лет. думаю чему-то да научился


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Новый главный тренер «Финикса» Джефф Хорнасек рассказал о специалистах, которые повлияли не его видение игры и манеру работы. Хорнасек выступал под руководством Коттона Фитцсиммонса в «Санз», а также играл за «Юту», которую тренировал Джерри Слоун.

«Всегда знал, что стану тренером. Мой отец был тренером. Вся моя жизнь связана с баскетболом, я попал в этот мир еще в пятилетнем возрасте.

Надеюсь, мне удастся совместить стойкость Джерри и энтузиазм, а также способность заражать окружающих уверенностью, что были присущи Коттону. Тогда я смогу стать хорошим тренером, как и многие из специалистов, что работали в «Финиксе» до меня», – цитирует Хорнасека ESPN.com.


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В свое время в момент глубокого кризиса нас подобрал и вытащил Эйндж. Как игроки они с Хорначеком разлиты из одной цистерны, возможно что и как тренеры будут мыслить похоже.


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There has been plenty said about why the hiring of Jeff Hornacek as the Suns’ new head coach makes sense.

The merits of Hornacek are well-known, especially to longtime Phoenicians and NBA fans.

The next person with a bad word to say about Hornacek personally would be the first, but that still does not make him universally endorsed as a qualified NBA head coach.

Hornacek is getting the treatment of a home inspection for some who are looking for any flaw, as if Red Auerbach was available.

The Suns and Hornacek are likely in for a slow build, coming off the worst season since the inaugural year and with roster retooling ahead. Hornacek’s way, as well as Ryan McDonough’s, could inspire fans’ confidence and earn their patience.

Those who start off skeptical of Hornacek point to his inexperience. He has served two and a half seasons as a full-time assistant with Utah, where Sidney Lowe is the lead assistant coach. He worked the prior four years with Utah as a part-time shooting coach, his first NBA role since retiring from a 14-year playing career in 2000.

Lead assistant titles are more ceremonial than functional until an ejection happens. Most staffs divide up scouting reports and other duties evenly among top assistants. Hornacek has spent his due time breaking down in-house and opponent tendencies and schemes, certainly far more than Lindsey Hunter had when he was chosen as interim coach from the bench’s back row over Elston Turner, Dan Majerle and Igor Kokoskov.

Experience is no precursor for a coach’s capability to lift a franchise. The Charlotte Observer studied a decade of NBA coaching replacements for teams coming off losing seasons. It found that coaches with no prior head-coaching experience had more appreciable success (11 of 20) than coaches with prior head-coaching experience (10 of 24).

Those who know Hornacek well do not doubt that he is ready. Teams who have interviewed Hornacek about coaching vacancies would not have bothered had they not believed he could do it. Charlotte seemed poised to offer its job late last week to Hornacek, prompting the Suns’ swift movement to lock him up in the job he preferred.

Detractors might wish that the Suns had held out for hot names like Indiana assistant Brian Shaw or San Antonio assistant Mike Budenholzer, but there is no telling when their teams will be done in the playoffs and whether they would be interested in the Suns over jobs available in Los Angeles, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee and possibly Atlanta, Sacramento and Toronto, too.

With Hornacek, they know they have a coach who wants to be in his hometown, who is immediately available to be part of draft planning and who will not leave for greener grass in a few years.

So what’s left to nitpick about Hornacek? Certainly not his intelligence, personality, demeanor, professionalism, dedication or accountability. That leaves the nice-guy image, the one that makes it hard to imagine Hornacek ripping into a player, if necessary. Never mind that he did it as a teammate or that he played for and worked for Jerry Sloan, but authority and self-control is far more valuable in leadership than volume.

Time will tell on Hornacek. And it might be a while because the Suns are not a season away like when Hornacek was the only player kept from when the Suns last went through three non-playoff seasons like this.

For some, belief might not come until he steers the ship straight.

“Congratulations,” Charles Barkley said of Hornacek’s hire on TNT’s Sunday night NBA telecast. “Welcome to the Titanic.”

“And who is the owner of the Titanic?” Shaquille O’Neal asked.

“Robert Sarver,” Barkley said.

McDonough’s quest to bring in “master evaluators” to the scouting staff has begun with the hirings of Pat Connelly, who will leave his position as the Washington Wizards director of player personnel; and former Lakers assistant GM Ronnie Lester.


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